Open Holdem
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» Ou sont-ils
Topic pour bot EmptyMar 19 Juin - 6:23 par toto

» problème de code
Topic pour bot EmptyVen 14 Juil - 14:17 par muratime

» recherche openholdem
Topic pour bot EmptyDim 29 Jan - 10:57 par scl2b

» petite question sur certain terme OH
Topic pour bot EmptyJeu 19 Jan - 17:49 par toto

» problème de bouton all in
Topic pour bot EmptyJeu 19 Jan - 5:33 par toto

» Oh V9
Topic pour bot EmptyMar 6 Déc - 13:43 par TKAP

»  OpenPPL V 1.3.1
Topic pour bot EmptyVen 11 Nov - 8:17 par matom

» bonjour
Topic pour bot EmptyVen 11 Nov - 8:04 par matom

» NO TRIAL HUD supprimer le message "TRIAL please register" du hud dans pokertracker
Topic pour bot EmptyDim 12 Juin - 11:36 par BOTTER

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Topic pour bot

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Topic pour bot Empty Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 8:38

Bonjour a tous, Je vais commencer un profil bientot et je vais partir ce topic unique pour mon profil. Je pense le faire en PPL et le convertir. Je vais commencer pas un profil tres basic donc ca sera plus facile pour suivre l evolution. Dison que ca sera un profil free et pour tester seulement. Merci a tout ceux qui m aiderons dans ce proget. Ne jamais tester en reel car les actions ne tous realiste, le bot va souvent all in, presentement il est en mode test pour certaine action pour etre sur de leur bon fonctionnement.

Mise a jour: 14 nov 2012
- Ajout de 2 nouvelles commande au bot.
- When XXXXX and Calls = 0 and Raises = 0 raise 5 force ///// si aucune action rendu a votre tour il effectura une action. Ici l action et de raiser 5 big blind.
- When XXXXX and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force ////// si quelqu un re raise il effectura une action. Ici l action est all-in.

Mise a jour 17 nov 2012
- Ajout du code :
- and not( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible )
- and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible )

Mise a jour 20 nov 2012
- Restructuration du flop, plusieur ligne ajouter Very Happy


Dernière édition par BOTTER le Mer 21 Nov - 18:05, édité 6 fois

Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 9:12


When Hand = AA

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When Raises >= 2 raise 5 force
When raises = 1 call force
When calls >= 2 raise 5 force
When calls = 1 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When Hand = KK

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When raises >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 20 raise 5 force
When raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 20 call force
When calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 20 raise 5 force
When calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 20 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 2 force

When Hand = QQ

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 raise 5 force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When (Hand = JJ or Hand = TT)

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 raise 3 force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force

When (Hand = 99 or Hand = 88 or Hand = 77 or Hand = 66 or Hand = 55 or Hand = 44 or Hand = 33 or Hand = 22)

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=AK or Hand=AK suited)

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=AQ suited or Hand=AJ suited or Hand=AT suited)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=AQ or Hand=AJ or Hand=AT)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=KQ suited or Hand=KJ suited or Hand=KT suited)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=KQ or Hand=KJ or Hand=KT)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=QJ or Hand=QT or Hand=JT)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=A9 suited or Hand=A8 suited or Hand=A7 suited or Hand=A6 suited or Hand=A5 suited or Hand=A4 suited or Hand=A3 suited or Hand=A2 suited)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When (Hand=A9 or Hand=A8 or Hand=A7 or Hand=A6 or Hand=A5 or Hand=A4 or Hand=A3 or Hand=A2)

When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 1 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inBigBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 and lastraiserposition = 2 raise 5 force
When inSmallBlind and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When inSmallBlind and calls >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When InSmallBlind and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 2 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 2 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 3 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 4 and raises = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When StillToAct = 4 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When StillToAct = 5 raise 3 force

When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force
When calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 3 call force

When Others
When Others fold force


/////nous avons une suite couleur/////
When havestraightflush

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force
When Others call force

/////nous avons un carre/////
When haveQuads

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force
When Others call force

/////nous avons une main pleine//////
When HaveFullHouse and TripsonBoard and ( Hand = AA or Hand = KK or hand = QQ or Hand = JJ )

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force

When HaveFullHouse and TripsonBoard

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 25 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 25 call force

When HaveFullHouse and not TripsonBoard

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force

/////nous avons la nut pour un top quads ou un top main pleine/////
When (NutfullhouseorfourofAKind > 4 and NutfullhouseorfourofAKind <= 14) and TripsonBoard and (calls = 0 and Raises = 0)

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and Raises = 0 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When (NutfullhouseorfourofAKind >= 1 and NutfullhouseorfourofAKind <= 4) and TripsonBoard

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and Raises = 0 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When (NutfullhouseorfourofAKind >= 1 and NutfullhouseorfourofAKind <= 7) and not TripsonBoard

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 5 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and Raises = 0 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

/////nous avons une couleur/////
When haveNutflush

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When haveflush and (Hand =A or Hand =K )

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force

When haveflush and (Board =A or Board =K )

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) call force

When haveflush

When BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force
When ( calls >= 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

/////nous avons une suite/////
When haveNutstraight and not flushpossible

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When raises >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When others Raisepot force

When haveNutstraight and flushpossible

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When havestraight and not flushpossible

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 raise 50% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and opponents <= 2 and potsize <= 30 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When raises >= 2 fold force

When havestraight and flushpossible
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 10 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize and opponents = 1 call force

When havestraight and flushpossible
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize and opponents = 1 call force

/////nous avons un brelan avec un pocket/////
When haveset and straightpossible and not flushpossible and opponents = 1

When botslastaction = call and position = first and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 RAISE 25% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and random <= 50 and opponents <= 2 and potsize > 10 raisemin force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When raises >= 2 fold force

When haveset and (flushpossible or straightpossible) and opponents <= 2

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 25% force
When calls = 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When haveset and (flushpossible or straightpossible) and opponents >= 3

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When haveset and not (flushpossible or straightpossible)

When botslastaction = call and position = first call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and random <= 50 and opponents <= 2 and potsize > 10 raisemin force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When raises >= 2 raisemax force
When others raisepot force

/////nous avons un brelan avec pair sur le board/////
When havetrips and not tripsonboard and ( flushpossible or straightpossible )

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When havetrips and not tripsonboard and ( flushpossible or straightpossible ) and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When others raisemax force

When havetrips and not tripsonboard and ( flushpossible or straightpossible )
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and opponents = 1 and potsize <= 20 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 100% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When raises >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force

When tripsonboard and not (havefullhouse or haveset or havetrips)

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) fold force

/////nous avons deux pairs/////
When haveTopTwopair and (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 5 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When haveTopTwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 5 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 15 raisepot force
When raises >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 25 call force

When haveTwopair and (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 5 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <=10 call force

When haveTwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)

When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 5 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 15 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises = 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 15 raisepot force
When raises >= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 25 call force

/////nous avons un pocket plus fort que toute les cartes sur le board/////
When haveoverpair and not flushpossible and straightpossible and opponents = 1 and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99)
When opponentisallin and potsize >= 10 and potsize <= 20 and betsize <= 100% PotSize call force

When haveoverpair and haveflushdraw and flushpossible and not straightpossible and opponents = 1 and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99)
When opponentisallin and potsize >= 10 and potsize <= 20 and betsize <= 100% PotSize call force

When haveoverpair and (hand = A or hand = K) and opponents <= 2 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible) and paironboard and (board = 22 or board = 33 or board = 44 or board = 55 or board = 66 or board = 77 or board = 88 or board = 99 or board = TT)
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) raisepot force

When haveoverpair and hand = Q and opponents = 1 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible) and paironboard and (board = 22 or board = 33 or board = 44 or board = 55 or board = 66 or board = 77 or board = 88 or board = 99 or board = TT)
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When calls = 1 raisepot force
When raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 100% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and (hand = A or hand = K) and opponents = 1 and straightpossible and not flushpossible
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) raisepot force

When haveoverpair and hand = Q and opponents = 1 and straightpossible and not flushpossible
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 100% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and flushpossible and haveNutflushDraw
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) raisepot force
When others raisemax force

When haveoverpair and (hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q) and (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and potsize <= 4 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 raise 25% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and not (board = kk or board = qq ) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and (hand = A or hand = K) and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) raisepot force

When haveoverpair and (hand = Q or hand = J) and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)

When potsize <= 20 and raises >= 1 and betsize > 25 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and (hand = T or hand = 9 or hand = 8 or hand = 7) and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)

When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 25% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force

When haveoverpair and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 2 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironBoard)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and stilltoact = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and stilltoact = 0 raise 25% force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 3 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

When haveoverpair and not flushpossible
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and betsize <=1 Call Force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

/////////////////// //////////////
/////nous avons une top pair/////
When haveToppair and not flushpossible and straightpossible and opponents = 1 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ)
When opponentisallin and potsize <= 20 and betsize <= 100% PotSize call force

When haveToppair and haveflushdraw and flushpossible and not straightpossible and opponents = 1 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ)
When opponentisallin and potsize <= 20 and betsize <= 100% PotSize call force

When haveToppair and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and flushpossible and haveNutflushDraw
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 raisemax force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) raisepot force

When haveToppair and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and opponents <= 2
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When random <= 50 and haveToppair and hand = AK and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and opponents = 1
When potsize <= 20 and raises >= 1 and betsize > 25 fold force
When botraisedonflop and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When botslastaction = call and position = first call force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When calls = 1 raisepot force

When haveToppair and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When potsize <= 20 and raises >= 1 and betsize > 25 fold force
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 raisepot force

When haveToppair and (hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = QJ or hand = KT or hand = QT or hand = JT) and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and potsize <= 15
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When calls = 1 and opponents = 1 and stilltoact = 0 and hand = A suited and not (hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9) and betsize <= 90% PotSize RaisePot Force
When calls = 1 and calls = 0 and opponents <= 2 and stilltoact = 0 and (hand = AT suited or hand = KQ suited or hand = QJ suited or hand = KT suited or hand = QT suited or hand = JT suited) and betsize <= 90% PotSize RaisePot Force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force

When haveToppair and (hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = QJ or hand = KT or hand = QT or hand = JT) and (haveBestkicker or have2ndBestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and potsize > 15
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 3 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents > 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When haveToppair and (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 2 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9 or opponents > 2) raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

When haveToppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 10 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize > 10 and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When haveToppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9) raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9) and opponents = 1 raisemin force

When haveToppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When botslastaction = raise and raises >= 1 and opponents >= 2 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 raise 75% force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 and not (hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9) raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9) raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When havetoppair and not flushpossible
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and betsize <=1 Call Force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

/////Nous avons un pocket qui se trouve entre la carte la plus haute et la carte la 2ème plus haut sur le board/////
When have2ndoverpair and not (flushpossible or paironboard) and havestraightdraw and (hand = TT or hand = JJ or hand = QQ or hand = KK)
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When opponents = 2 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 and stilltoact = 0 raisepot force
When opponents = 2 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When have2ndoverpair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

When have2ndToppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When opponents = 1 and potsize <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and opponents <= 2 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 22% potsize call force

When havepair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When calls = 1 and betsize <=1 call force

When haveNutflushDraw and not flushpossible and hand = A suited and opponents = 1
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force

When haveNutflushDraw
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and potsize <= 10 raise 75% force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 15 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize > 15 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force

When haveflushDraw and not flushpossible
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 15 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize > 15 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force

When have2ndnutflushdraw
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 20 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force

When havestraightdraw and not (flushpossible or straightpossible)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and paironboard and potsize <= 5 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and paironboard and potsize > 5 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 32% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize <= 10 and not paironboard and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 52% potsize call force
When (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and potsize > 10 and not paironboard and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 42% potsize call force

When haveinsidestraightdraw and not flushpossible and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and (board = AKT or board = AQT or board = AJT)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 15 raise 75% force
When calls = 1 and betsize <= 3 call force

When haveinsidestraightdraw and not flushpossible
When calls = 1 and betsize <=1 call force

When overcards = 2 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible) and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = KQ suited)
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and betsize <= 3 Call force

When (botraisedbeforeflop or botraisedonflop) and opponents = 1 and opponentIsAllIn and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ or pairinhand or havepair)
When betsize <= 2 Call force

When botraisedbeforeflop and not botslastaction = call and opponents <= 2 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 75% force

When stilltoact = 0 and not botraisedbeforeflop and botslastaction = call and Overcards = 2 and Opponents = 1 and not (FlushPossible or StraightPossible or paironboard)
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 4 and not (in bigblind or in smallblind) raise 75% force

When pairinhand and paironboard and (hand = TT or hand = 99 or hand = 88 or hand = 77 or hand = 66 or hand = 55) and opponents = 2 and position = middle
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 10 raise 75% force

When pairinhand and paironboard
When (calls = 1 or Raises >= 1) and betsize <= 1 Call force

When pairinhand and suitsonboard = 3 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible) and (hand = TT or hand = 99 or hand = 88 or hand = 77 or hand = 66 or hand = 55) and opponents = 1 and position = last
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 10 raise 75% force

When straightpossible and not (flushpossible or hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 or hand = 8 or hand = 9 or board = 2 or board = 3 or board = 4 or board = 5 or board = 6 or board = 7 or board = 8 or board = 9 ) and opponents = 1 and stilltoact = 0
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 3 raisepot force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize <= 10 raise 75% force

When others fold force


When HaveStraightFlush and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveQuads and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveFullHouse and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveFlush and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveStraight and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force

When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force

When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HadPairOnTurn and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and calls >= 1 and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When HadPairOnTurn and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and calls >= 1 and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HadPairOnTurn and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force

When Others
When Others fold force


When HaveStraightFlush and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveStraightFlush and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveQuads and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveQuads and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveFullHouse and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveFullHouse and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveFlush and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveFlush and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveStraight and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and calls >= 1 call force
When HaveStraight and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTrips and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force

When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTrips and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HaveTwoPair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 3 force

When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 10 call force
When HaveTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 call force

When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and BotsLastAction = raise and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and raises >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and calls >= 1 and AMOUNTTOCALL <= 5 call force
When HavePair and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or StraightFlushPossible ) and Calls = 0 and raises = 0 raise 5 force

When Others
When Others fold force

Dernière édition par BOTTER le Mer 21 Nov - 18:02, édité 12 fois

Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 9:17

Voici ci haut un code basic. Présentment il ce transforme sans erreur en .ohf, quand des modification seront apporter je vais éditer le code plus haut.


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Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 14:20

Je regarde pour un petit flop..... mais je me demande si j ai KQ et sur le flop il sort K23 , j ai une paire sur le flop.... j ai entrée ces lignes :

When HadPairOnFlop and raise >= 1 betpot force
When HadPairOnFlop calls >= 1 betpot force
When HadPairOnFlop and calls = 0 and raise = 0 betpot force


Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par fold95 Dim 4 Nov - 14:37

Bonne idée je vais suivre l'évolution de ton profil, par contre pour quels jeux tu crée ce profil cash 6max?


Messages : 313
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2012

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par Atom Dim 4 Nov - 14:50

BOTTER a écrit:Je regarde pour un petit flop..... mais je me demande si j ai KQ et sur le flop il sort K23 , j ai une paire sur le flop.... j ai entrée ces lignes :

When HadPairOnFlop and raise >= 1 betpot force
When HadPairOnFlop calls >= 1 betpot force
When HadPairOnFlop and calls = 0 and raise = 0 betpot force

rien que ces quelque ligne je ne comprend pas.
Ca veut dire:
Quand ta une paire (and raise>= 1 betpot force) ca veut dire quoi ça?

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
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Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 15:06

En fait voici ce que ca veut dire tou ca...

When HadPairOnFlop = tu a une pair avec le flop
raise >= 1 call force = si il y a 1 raise ou plus ton bot va caller
calls >= 1 call force = si il y a 1 call ou plus ton bot va caller
When HadPairOnFlop and Calls = 0 and Raises = 0 raise 5 force = quand c est a ton tour est qu il y a 0 call ou 0 raise, ton bot va faire un raise de 5 BB.


Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par Atom Dim 4 Nov - 15:14

c'est quoi qui correspond à 5BB, est ce qu'on peut changer car post flop faut mieux faire en % du pot.


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Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 15:36

Atom a écrit:c'est quoi qui correspond à 5BB, est ce qu'on peut changer car post flop faut mieux faire en % du pot.

Oui on peu y aller au % mais la c est un bot basic. Quand le basic va etre fait , apres on pourra l améliorer . Essai de comprendre le basic en premier. telecharge OpenPPL et regarde dans le dossier tu a un manuel qui explique pas mal le PPL.

Merci de la sugestion, je vais en tenir compte.


Voila je suis pas certain mais ca pourrais etre comme ca: When inBigBlind and raises = 1 and Betsize <= 4 raise 150% force

je vais faire le test

Dernière édition par BOTTER le Dim 4 Nov - 15:48, édité 2 fois

Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par Atom Dim 4 Nov - 15:39

Vous êtes des joueurs de poker à la base?
Je veut dire vous avez de l'expérience en tant que joueurs?

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par fold95 Dim 4 Nov - 15:57

Botter à commencer à jouer la semaine dernière affraid et moi ya 15 jours cyclops c'est bon ça suffit pour la théorie ya rien à comprendre que du bluff tous sa ce qui compte c'est par tes cartes c'est ce que tu en fais ta les 22 tapis et puis voila Cool plus sérieusement pour ma par jen est vécu à l'époque où on pouvait jouer sur le .com maintenant la situation est différente et puis j'ai eu des enfants donc j'ai repris une activité normale mais ça reste un complement plutôt agréable Very Happy mon truc a moi sng/mtt en fr


Messages : 313
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2012

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par Atom Dim 4 Nov - 16:06

J'ai eu peur quand j'ai commencer à lire Very Happy
Ok donc c'est bien pour suivre et analyser son bot.
C'est pas le tous de programmer Wink

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
Localisation : 08

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par fold95 Dim 4 Nov - 16:33

non mais pour comprendre comment créer sont profils c'est le but ici il faut connaitre les bases je pense que botter à eu une très bonne idée on va voir la création d'un profil du début jusqu à la fin, en partant d'une base et en le faisant évoluer pour arriver à un profil gagnant.
Créer un profil gagnant est extrêmement long des mois un nombres d'heures de boulot incalculable ce post va laissé une trace écrite c'est vraiment très intéressant pour les membres qui souhaite créer leur propre profil.


Messages : 313
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2012

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par fold95 Dim 4 Nov - 16:34

mais je n'ai toujours pas eu ma réponse c'est un profil de quoi cash?


Messages : 313
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2012

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 4 Nov - 16:54

fold95 a écrit:mais je n'ai toujours pas eu ma réponse c'est un profil de quoi cash?

C est un NL 6 max


Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par Atom Lun 5 Nov - 1:23

Pour bien comprendre ce langage ça serais bien de faire une sorte de traduction en texte français en parallèle si ce n'est pas trop demandé. Razz

Comme ça ça permettrais d'apprendre les ligne de codes pour des novices comme moi.

Ou si ça te pose problème pour pas empiéter sur ton topic crée un topic de traduction ou on pourras poster des codes et essayer de les traduire. Wink

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
Localisation : 08

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Lun 5 Nov - 5:44

Atom a écrit:Pour bien comprendre ce langage ça serais bien de faire une sorte de traduction en texte français en parallèle si ce n'est pas trop demandé. Razz

Comme ça ça permettrais d'apprendre les ligne de codes pour des novices comme moi.

Ou si ça te pose problème pour pas empiéter sur ton topic crée un topic de traduction ou on pourras poster des codes et essayer de les traduire. Wink

Oui je voudrais faire un post it du manuel en FR, mais le probleme est que je suis encore a traduire les symbols pour les tablemap, ca va venir mais plus tard. Raison de manque de temps. Je vais essayer d inscrire travers le code c est quoi ca veut dire


Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Dim 11 Nov - 6:36

Atom a écrit:c'est quoi qui correspond à 5BB, est ce qu'on peut changer car post flop faut mieux faire en % du pot.

Bonjour Atom, voici la reponse a ta question:

Action fixe relative au bet size

Voici 2 exemple: BET 3 FORCES , RAISE 15 FORCES, le nombre de c est actions sont en bigblind, donc 3 X bigblind

Action relative avec bet size

Voici 2 exemple: BET 25% FORCES , RAISE 50% FORCES, le % equivaut au montant du pot donc tu bet 25% du pot total.

Action fixe

AALLIN FORCE // synonyme de BetMax et RaiseMax
BET FORCE // min-bet (fixed limit)
RAISE FORCE // min-raise (fixed limit)

Je te confirme que cette source et bonne, elle vient du manuel qui est fourni avec OpenPPL. Donc si tu desire changer ca en % il est possible de le faire.Voici un exemple:

when raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise 2 force
when raises = 0 and calls > 0 raise 3 force
when raises = 1 and calls = 0 raise 150% force
when raises = 1 and calls > 0 raise 200% force
when raises >= 2 raisemax force


Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Topic pour bot Empty Re: Topic pour bot

Message par BOTTER Mer 14 Nov - 17:00

Petite mise a jour, referer vous au 1 message pour suivre l evolution.

Messages : 755
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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Message par Atom Jeu 15 Nov - 11:31

ça commence à prendre forme.

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Date d'inscription : 02/11/2012
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Message par BOTTER Mer 21 Nov - 18:07

Mise a jour, referer vous au 1 message pour suivre l evolution.


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Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012
Localisation : Canada

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