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code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
2 participants
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code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
Bonsoir,excusez de vous dérangez j'aimerai que l'on m'aide pour codé un fichier txt en oppl svp
je vous remercie
je vous remercie
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
pourriez vous me codé ceci svp pour mon warbot je n'y arrive pas j'ai cherché pendant de longues heures depuis hier et je trouves pas je vous remercie.
MMaxSessionHands = 10000
MaxSessionTime = 720
MaxStackSize = 1000000
BathroomBreakAfter = 999
BathroomBreakTime = 2
SitOutWhenOpponentsAreLessThan = 1
MakePotSizedPreFlopRaisesWhen = 7
FoldToPre-FlopRaisesForAQAJsKQ = OFF
FoldPost-FlopBelowTopPairToAnyBetOrRaise = OFF
FoldToPost-FlopRaisesWithUnpairedBoardsFor = 2
FoldToPost-FlopRaisesWithPairedBoardsFor = 4
NeverBetTurnOrRiverWithHandBelow = 2
NeverBetFlopWithHandBelowMiddlePairWhen = 1
NeverBetFlopWithHandBelowMiddlePairStackSize = 100000
NeverCallPairedBoardsWithHandBelow = 5
NeverCallFlushPossibleBoardsWithHandBelow = 6
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith55Or66When = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith77Or88When = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith99OrTTWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithJJOrQQWhen = 2
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAKWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAQsWhen = 2
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAKsWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithKQsWhen = 2
SuperTightPlay = OFF
SemiSuperTightPlay = OFF
NoLimp = 15
AggressivePreFlop = 7
AggressivePostFlop = 3
AggressivePreFlopStackSize = 1000000
AggressivePostFlopStackSize = 1000000
MiningForSets = 5
PostFlopinBlindsOverride = 3
PreFlopReRaiseOverride = OFF
MinBetOverride = 6
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAfterFoldsLessThan = 5
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAfterFoldsLessThanStackSize = 1000000
ApplyFoldOrAllInAfter = 0
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAtTableLessThan = 5
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAtTableLessThanStackSize = 1000000
AlwaysCallWhenOpponentsRaiseIsLessThan = 4
AlwaysCallWhenStackSizeIsLessThanTotalInvested = 90
Verbose = ON
AutoPlay = ON
UserDefinedGameType = 0
UseOcrAtFullTilt = OFF
AutoRebuyAtUB = ON
AlwaysAskForTableName = OFF
DefaultBetSizeFlop = 100
DefaultBetSizeTurn = 75
DefaultBetSizeRiver = 60
//MTT Kit + Doodle 109
When bigblindsize >= 1000 and (raises = 1 or botslastaction = raise) and stacksize < 30 and (hand = QQ or hand = JJ) raisemax force
When stacksize > 100 and raises >= 1 and betsize > 12 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = AK or opponentisallin or opponentsattable <= 3) fold force
When opponentsattable <= 4 and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (hand = A or pairinhand) and betsize < 34% stacksize call force
When opponentsattable <= 4 and stacksize < 28 and (hand = AK or hand = KK or hand = AA or hand = QQ) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When opponentsattable <= 3 and stacksize < 21 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and hand = A and stacksize < 15 raisemax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) RaiseMax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and (hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited) RaiseMax force
When in bigblind and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 10% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q or hand = J) call force
When StackSize <= 9 and (hand = A suited or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or pairinhand) raisemax force
When stacksize < 7 and (hand = A or hand = K suited or hand = QT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 5 and botslastaction = raise raisemax force
When Stacksize < 5 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 23 or hand = 24 or hand = 25 or hand = 26 or hand = 27 or hand = 29 or hand = 2T or hand = 37 or hand = 38 or hand = 39 or hand = 3T or hand = 49 or hand = 4T) raisemax force
When stacksize <= 2 raisemax force
When opponentsattable = 1 and stacksize < 7 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raisemax force
When opponentsattable = 1 and stacksize < 10 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 23 or hand = 24 or hand = 25 or hand = 26 or hand = 27 or hand = 29 or hand = 2T or hand = 37 or hand = 38 or hand = 39 or hand = 3T or hand = 49 or hand = 4T) raisemax force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (raises >= 1 or calls >= 4) raisemax force
When hand = AK suited and raises >= 1 and betsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When BetSize > 20% stacksize and stacksize > 50 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or amounttocall < 5) fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 17% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = KQ suited) call force
When hand = AK and raises = 1 and betsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and botslastaction = raise and betsize < 18% stacksize call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 12% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 suited or hand = 85 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 65 suited) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 20% stacksize and botslastaction = raise call force
When stacksize < 20 and not (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = KQ or hand = KJ suited or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited) and not (in smallblind and calls >= 1 and raises = 0) fold force
When (hand = 66 or hand = 55) and (stacksize = 10 or stacksize = 11) raisemax force
When (hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55 or hand = 66) and stacksize > 9 and stacksize < 20 and not (totalinvested > 75% stacksize) fold force
When totalinvested > 75% stacksize and pairinhand raisemax force
When in smallblind and stacksize < 40 and not (pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = A7 or hand = A suited or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = Q7 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 65 or hand = 54) fold force
When stacksize < 10 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99 or hand = 88) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 75% stacksize and (hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 100% StackSize and raises >= 1 and ( hand = A K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J ) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 150% Stacksize and (hand = AQ) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 201% stacksize and raises >= 1 and (hand = AJ or hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited) call force
When TotalInvested > 330% stacksize raisemax force
When raises = 1 and lastraiserposition >= 6 UserEarlyRaiser
When raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and firstcallerposition >= 7 and stilltoact >= 3 UserTrap1
When UserTrap1 and botslastaction = raise and position = last and not (amounttocall < 30% potsize or hand = AA or hand = KK or stacksize < 12 or totalinvested > 80% stacksize) fold force
When opponentisallin UserDead
MMaxSessionHands = 10000
MaxSessionTime = 720
MaxStackSize = 1000000
BathroomBreakAfter = 999
BathroomBreakTime = 2
SitOutWhenOpponentsAreLessThan = 1
MakePotSizedPreFlopRaisesWhen = 7
FoldToPre-FlopRaisesForAQAJsKQ = OFF
FoldPost-FlopBelowTopPairToAnyBetOrRaise = OFF
FoldToPost-FlopRaisesWithUnpairedBoardsFor = 2
FoldToPost-FlopRaisesWithPairedBoardsFor = 4
NeverBetTurnOrRiverWithHandBelow = 2
NeverBetFlopWithHandBelowMiddlePairWhen = 1
NeverBetFlopWithHandBelowMiddlePairStackSize = 100000
NeverCallPairedBoardsWithHandBelow = 5
NeverCallFlushPossibleBoardsWithHandBelow = 6
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith55Or66When = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith77Or88When = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWith99OrTTWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithJJOrQQWhen = 2
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAKWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAQsWhen = 2
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithAKsWhen = 3
FoldToPre-FlopRaiseWithKQsWhen = 2
SuperTightPlay = OFF
SemiSuperTightPlay = OFF
NoLimp = 15
AggressivePreFlop = 7
AggressivePostFlop = 3
AggressivePreFlopStackSize = 1000000
AggressivePostFlopStackSize = 1000000
MiningForSets = 5
PostFlopinBlindsOverride = 3
PreFlopReRaiseOverride = OFF
MinBetOverride = 6
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAfterFoldsLessThan = 5
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAfterFoldsLessThanStackSize = 1000000
ApplyFoldOrAllInAfter = 0
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAtTableLessThan = 5
FoldOrGoAllInWhenOpponentsAtTableLessThanStackSize = 1000000
AlwaysCallWhenOpponentsRaiseIsLessThan = 4
AlwaysCallWhenStackSizeIsLessThanTotalInvested = 90
Verbose = ON
AutoPlay = ON
UserDefinedGameType = 0
UseOcrAtFullTilt = OFF
AutoRebuyAtUB = ON
AlwaysAskForTableName = OFF
DefaultBetSizeFlop = 100
DefaultBetSizeTurn = 75
DefaultBetSizeRiver = 60
//MTT Kit + Doodle 109
When bigblindsize >= 1000 and (raises = 1 or botslastaction = raise) and stacksize < 30 and (hand = QQ or hand = JJ) raisemax force
When stacksize > 100 and raises >= 1 and betsize > 12 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = AK or opponentisallin or opponentsattable <= 3) fold force
When opponentsattable <= 4 and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (hand = A or pairinhand) and betsize < 34% stacksize call force
When opponentsattable <= 4 and stacksize < 28 and (hand = AK or hand = KK or hand = AA or hand = QQ) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When opponentsattable <= 3 and stacksize < 21 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and hand = A and stacksize < 15 raisemax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) RaiseMax force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and (hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited) RaiseMax force
When in bigblind and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 10% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q or hand = J) call force
When StackSize <= 9 and (hand = A suited or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or pairinhand) raisemax force
When stacksize < 7 and (hand = A or hand = K suited or hand = QT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 5 and botslastaction = raise raisemax force
When Stacksize < 5 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 23 or hand = 24 or hand = 25 or hand = 26 or hand = 27 or hand = 29 or hand = 2T or hand = 37 or hand = 38 or hand = 39 or hand = 3T or hand = 49 or hand = 4T) raisemax force
When stacksize <= 2 raisemax force
When opponentsattable = 1 and stacksize < 7 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 raisemax force
When opponentsattable = 1 and stacksize < 10 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = 23 or hand = 24 or hand = 25 or hand = 26 or hand = 27 or hand = 29 or hand = 2T or hand = 37 or hand = 38 or hand = 39 or hand = 3T or hand = 49 or hand = 4T) raisemax force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (raises >= 1 or calls >= 4) raisemax force
When hand = AK suited and raises >= 1 and betsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When BetSize > 20% stacksize and stacksize > 50 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or amounttocall < 5) fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 17% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = KQ suited) call force
When hand = AK and raises = 1 and betsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and botslastaction = raise and betsize < 18% stacksize call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 12% stacksize and (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 suited or hand = 85 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 65 suited) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and betsize < 20% stacksize and botslastaction = raise call force
When stacksize < 20 and not (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = KQ or hand = KJ suited or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited) and not (in smallblind and calls >= 1 and raises = 0) fold force
When (hand = 66 or hand = 55) and (stacksize = 10 or stacksize = 11) raisemax force
When (hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55 or hand = 66) and stacksize > 9 and stacksize < 20 and not (totalinvested > 75% stacksize) fold force
When totalinvested > 75% stacksize and pairinhand raisemax force
When in smallblind and stacksize < 40 and not (pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = A7 or hand = A suited or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = Q7 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 65 or hand = 54) fold force
When stacksize < 10 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99 or hand = 88) and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 75% stacksize and (hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 100% StackSize and raises >= 1 and ( hand = A K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J ) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 150% Stacksize and (hand = AQ) raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 201% stacksize and raises >= 1 and (hand = AJ or hand = A suited or pairinhand or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited) call force
When TotalInvested > 330% stacksize raisemax force
When raises = 1 and lastraiserposition >= 6 UserEarlyRaiser
When raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and firstcallerposition >= 7 and stilltoact >= 3 UserTrap1
When UserTrap1 and botslastaction = raise and position = last and not (amounttocall < 30% potsize or hand = AA or hand = KK or stacksize < 12 or totalinvested > 80% stacksize) fold force
When opponentisallin UserDead
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = KQ) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = KQ) sitout force
When (hand = KK or hand = AK) and raises = 0 and not (opponentsattable <= 2 or calls >= 3) raisepot force
When raises >= 1 and stacksize > 15 and amounttocall > 20 and not (pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = KQ suited) fold force
When stacksize > 20 and bigblindsize > 10 and raises >= 2 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AJ suited) fold force
When (hand = A6 or hand = A5 or hand = A4 or hand = A3 or hand = A2) and not (hand = A suited) and raises >= 1 and stilltoact >= 1 and amounttocall >= 2 fold force
When hand = 97 and (not hand = 9 suited) and raises >= 1 and (stilltoact >= 1 or folds >= 1) and amounttocall >= 2 fold force
When hand = QJ suited and raises = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 call force
When botslastaction = call and (hand = K2 or hand = K3 or hand = K4 or hand = K5 or hand = K6 or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or hand = Q5 or hand = Q6 or hand = J2 or hand = J3 or hand = J4 or hand = J5 or hand = J6) and not (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited) fold force
When botslastaction = call and amounttocall > 1 and not (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 85 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 75 suited or hand = 65 or hand = 64 suited or hand = 54 suited) fold force
When stilltoact = 1 and (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and (hand = K2 or hand = K3 or hand = K4 or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or hand = Q5 or hand = J2 or hand = J3 or hand = J4 or hand = J5) and not (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = J suited) fold force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 and (hand = A suited or hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT suited or hand = K9 suited or hand = QJ or hand = QT suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = K ) and not ( hand = K K or hand = A K or hand = K Q suited or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = Q suited) and not ( hand = A Q or hand = K Q or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = Q ) and not ( hand = QQ or hand = A Q or hand = K Q suited or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and (hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 65 or hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55 or hand = 66) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and hand = Q J suited and BetSize < 6 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and amounttocall = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and random <= 30 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 87 suited or pairinhand) raise 2 force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and amounttocall <= 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and (hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = K suited or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = Q7 or hand = Q suited or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = J suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 suited or hand = T6 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 or hand = 95 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 85 or hand = 84 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 74 or hand = 65 or hand = 64 or hand = 63 suited or hand = 54 or hand = 53 suited or hand = 43 or pairinhand) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 2 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and random <= 35 and (hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 suited or hand = K7 suited or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 suited or hand = Q7 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = J8 suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 87 or hand = 76 or pairinhand) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 and (hand = A suited or hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT suited or hand = K9 suited or hand = QJ or hand = QT suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) call force
When stilltoact <= 2 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = T9 or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or pairinhand) and random <= 25 raise 2 force
When stilltoact <= 2 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and (hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 suited or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 65 suited) raise force
When BotsLastAction = call and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = QQ) and raises = 1 and calls >= 1 and BetSize <= 3 call force
When (BotsLastAction = call or botslastaction = raise) and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = QQ) and amounttocall = 1 call force
When pairinhand and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and (BotsLastAction = call or botslastaction = raise) and amounttocall < 7 and amounttocall < 25% potsize and calls >= 2 call force
When ( hand = 2 2 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 4 4 ) and StillToAct >= 6 and StackSize > 22 and ( not In BigBlind ) fold force
When in bigblind and hand = A and not (hand = AA or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AJ suited) and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 1 call force
When (hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99) and raises = 2 and stacksize > 25 and (amounttocall < 24% potsize and amounttocall < 20% stacksize and amounttocall < 18) call force
When hand = TT and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 6 call force
When hand = JJ and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 7 call force
When hand = QQ and opponentsattable <= 2 and raises <= 1 raisepot force
When hand = QQ and opponentsattable <= 2 and raises >= 2 and amounttocall < 36% stacksize call force
When hand = Q Q and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( AmountToCall < 43% PotSize or BetSize < 32% StackSize ) call force
When hand = Q Q and raises = 2 and stacksize < 45 raisemax force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 3 and stacksize < 30 raisemax force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 2 and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or BetSize < 35% StackSize ) fold force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 2 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( AmountToCall < 50% PotSize or AmountToCall < 35% StackSize ) call force
When hand = Q Q and Random <= 25 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 RaiseMin force
When hand = Q Q and raises = 1 and ( LastRaiserPosition > 4 or BetSize > 6 ) and AmountToCall > 3 and not ( BotsLastAction = raise or StackSize < 45 ) call force
When hand = QQ and stacksize <= 55 and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 8 raisemax force
When hand = QQ and stacksize <= 40 and (calls >= 2 or raises = 1) raisemax force
When hand = QQ and raises = 1 and botslastaction = raise and (amounttocall < 51% potsize or amounttocall < 49% stacksize) call force
When hand = QQ and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 49% stacksize and amounttocall > 60 fold force
when hand = QQ and raises = 1 call force
When hand = KJ and (not hand = KJ suited) and stilltoact >= 6 fold force
When (hand = K9 suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = J9 suited) and raises >= 1 and not (In BigBlind or opponentsattable <= 3) fold force
When random <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact <= 3 and (hand = K8 or hand = Q8 or hand = J8) raisepot force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A T or hand = K J or hand = Q J )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K T or hand = Q T or hand = J T )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 6 6 or hand = 5 5 or hand = 4 4 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 2 2 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 9 suited or hand = A 8 suited or hand = A 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 6 suited or hand = A 5 suited or hand = A 4 suited or hand = A 3 suited or hand = A 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and hand = A 9
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 8 or hand = A 7 or hand = A 6 or hand = A 5 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 4 or hand = A 3 or hand = A 2 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 9 suited or hand = K 8 suited or hand = K 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 6 suited or hand = K 5 suited or hand = K 4 suited or hand = K 3 suited or hand = K 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 8 or hand = K 7 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 9 suited or hand = Q 8 suited or hand = Q 7 suited or hand = J 9 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 6 suited or hand = Q 5 suited or hand = Q 4 suited or hand = Q 3 suited or hand = Q 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 8 7 suited or hand = 7 6 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 6 5 suited or hand = 5 4 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = J 8 suited or hand = J 7 suited or hand = T 8 suited or hand = T 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 9 or hand = Q 8 or hand = J 9 or hand = T 9 or hand = Q 7 or hand = J 8 or hand = J 7 or hand = 9 8 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 7 suited or hand = 9 6 suited or hand = 8 6 suited or hand = 8 5 suited or hand = 7s 5s or hand = 6h 4h )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = T 8 or hand = T 7 or hand = 9 7 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 7 5 suited or hand = 6 4 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = J suited or hand = T suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 6 or hand = 8 6 or hand = 7 6 or hand = 6 5 )
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 5 or hand = 8 5 or hand = 7 5 )
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
when opponentsattable > 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and random < 25
when stilltoact <= 2 and (hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = A7 or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited or hand = 66 or hand = 55) raise 2 force
when stilltoact <= 3 and (hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 99 or hand = 88 or hand = 77) raise 2 force
when stilltoact <= 4 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = KQ suited or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) raise 2 force
When (hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55)
when botslastaction = none and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 3 fold force
when raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 28% potsize fold force
When ( hand = A Q suited or hand = K Q suited or hand = A J suited)
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and ( LastRaiserPosition = 1 or LastRaiserPosition = 2 or LastRaiserPosition = 3 ) and ( hand = Ad or hand = Qd ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 8 and calls >= 3 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When hand = A Q
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and ( LastRaiserPosition = 1 or LastRaiserPosition = 2 or LastRaiserPosition = 3 ) and ( hand = Ad or hand = Qd ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 3 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When In BigBlind and raises = 0 and calls = 1 and LastCallerPosition <= 3 RaisePot force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K )
when random <= 8 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 call force
when random <= 8 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when TotalInvested > 100% StackSize RaiseMax force
when raises >= 2 RaiseMax force
when BetSize > 25% StackSize RaiseMax force
when (BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call) RaisePot force
when Others RaisePot force
When (hand = K Q suited or hand = Q J suited or hand = J T suited or hand = J J)
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize <= 8 and amounttocall < 33% stacksize call force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize > 8 fold force
When hand = K Q
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize < 7 call force
When BotsLastAction = call and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and LastRaiserPosition <= 4 and BetSize < 5 and Random <= 35 raise force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 13% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 fold force
When raises = 1 and hand = K Q suited call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 1 call force
When raises = 1 and OpponentsAtTable > 2 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and hand = K Q suited and StillToAct <= 3 RaisePot force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 raise force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 6 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 call force
When Opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( PairInHand or hand = A K or hand = A Q suited ) and not ( hand = 2 2 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 4 4 or hand = 5 5 or hand = 6 6 ) and stacksize > 60
When BotsLastAction = raise and Amounttocall < 12 call force
When BetSize < 8 call force
When PotSize > 20 and Amounttocall < 11 call force
When PotSize > 25 and Amounttocall < 13 call force
When PotSize > 30 and Amounttocall < 16 call force
When PotSize > 35 and Amounttocall < 18 call force
When PotSize > 40 and Amounttocall < 21 call force
When PotSize > 50 and Amounttocall < 26 call force
When botslastaction = raise and opponentsattable = 1 and amounttocall = 1
when (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ suited) raisepot force
when hand = AT suited and random <= 50 raisepot force
when hand = A and not (hand = AA or hand = AK) call force
when (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = J suited or hand = T suited or hand = 9 suited or hand = 8 suited or hand = 7 suited or hand = 6 suited or hand = 5 suited or hand = 4 suited) call force
when (hand = 56 or hand = 57 or hand = 58 or hand = 59 or hand = 67 or hand = 68 or hand = 69 or hand = 78 or hand = 79 or hand = 7T or hand = 7J or hand = 7Q or hand = 7K or hand = 89 or hand = 8T or hand = 8J or hand = 8Q or hand = 8K or hand = 9T or hand = 9J or hand = 9Q or hand = 9K or hand = TJ or hand = TQ or hand = TK or hand = JQ or hand = JK or hand = QK) call force
When hand = A K
when raises = 1 and amounttocall <= 2 and botslastaction = none and random <= 50 raise 4 force
when random <= 10 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 3 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when botslastaction = raise and raises = 1 and callssincelastraise = 0 and hand = AK suited and amounttocall <= 4 and random <= 50 raisepot force
when random <= 10 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 1 RaisePot force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 4 RaisePot force
when raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 2 and Random <= 50 RaisePot force
when StackSize > 35 and raises >= 2 and ( not hand = A K suited ) and BetSize > 15 fold force
when StackSize > 35 and raises >= 2 and BetSize > 25 fold force
when hand = A K suited and ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 40% StackSize and BetSize < 26 call force
when raises = 1 and ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 33% StackSize and BetSize < 20 call force
when ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize and AmountToCall < 15 call force
when raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 5 and ( hand = Ac ) RaiseMin force
when raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize < 15 and not ( StackSize < 20 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) call force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize < 20 and not ( StackSize < 20 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) call force
when raises >= 2 and not ( TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or StackSize < 22 ) and BetSize > 50% StackSize fold force
when raises = 2 and ( TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or StackSize < 22 ) raisemax force
when raises = 2 and hand = A K suited call force
when raises >= 3 and AmountToCall > 20% StackSize and ( not StackSize < 22 ) fold force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and BetSize > 19 and not ( StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
when raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and not ( StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or hand = AK suited ) fold force
when potsize < 8 raisepot force
When hand = 99
When stacksize < 26 and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises = 1 and (AmountToCall > 25% StackSize or AmountToCall > 52% potsize or AmountTocall > and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and AmountToCall > 30% StackSize fold force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 call force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and Random <= 50 RaisePot force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and StillToAct >= 6 call force
When raises = 0 and calls >= 3 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 6 call force
When raises = 1 and ( BetSize = 7 or BetSize = 8 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize >= 9 and not ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call or OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When raises = 2 and ( not OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When raises >= 3 fold force
When (hand = QT or hand = KT) and not (hand = QT suited or hand = KT suited)
when in bigblind and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 1 call force
when in bigblind and raises = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 2 and amounttocall <= 2 call force
when stilltoact >= 4 fold force
When StillToAct = 3 and Random <= 33 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 raise force
when raises = 0 and calls >= 1 call force
when others fold force
When ( hand = As T or hand = Ks J or hand = Qs J or hand = Ks T or hand = Js T ) and not ( hand = A T suited or hand = K J suited or hand = Q J suited or hand = K T suited or hand = J T suited )
When StillToAct >= 5 fold force
When raises = 0 and StillToAct = 4 call force
When hand = A 9 suited
When BotsLastAction = raise and BetSize < 6 call force
When BotsLastAction = call and BetSize < 4 call force
When StillToAct >= 7 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 4 raise force
When raises = 0 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and LastRaiserPosition <= 4 and BetSize < 5 and Random <= 35 raise force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 8 call force
When hand = A 9 and (not hand = A9 suited)
When StillToAct = 4 and Random <= 50 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and StillToAct = 4 raise force
when stilltoact >= 5 fold force
When ( hand = T 9 suited or hand = 9 8 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited)
When raises >= 2 fold force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 6 call force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 8 call force
When BotsLastAction = none and raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 6 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 5 call force
When In SmallBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 4 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 4 and hand = T9 suited and Random <= 50 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 3 and lastraiserposition <= 4 and (not hand = 76 suited) call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 3 and (not hand = 76 suited) and Random <= 50 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 2 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and Random <= 50 and (not hand = 76 suited) RaisePot force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and opponentsattable <= 5 raisemin force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and (not hand = 76 suited) RaiseMin force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 7 fold force
When hand = 76 suited and Stilltoact = 4 call force
When (not hand = 76 suited) call force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = A and not (board = K or board = Q or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = K and not (board = A or board = Q or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = Q and not (board = K or board = A or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 145% stacksize and (hand =AK or hand = AQ) raisemax force
When totalinvested > 145% stacksize and hand = A and overcards = 2 raisemax force
When (haveunderpair or havebottompair) and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveinsidestraightdraw or haveflush or haveflushdraw or stacksize < 6) and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and stacksize > 30 and amounttocall < 6) and bigblindsize >= 150 fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 21% stacksize and botslastaction = bet and (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or haveset or havetrips or havenutflushdraw or havestraight) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 17% stacksize and (havepair or havetrips or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 9% stacksize and (haveinsidestraightdraw or hand = AK or overcards = 2) call force
When StackSize < 6 and (havepair or havetrips or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 8 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) raisemax force
When stacksize < 15 and not (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK or totalinvested > 115% stacksize or amounttocall <= 1) fold force
When potsize > 5 and stacksize < 22 and not (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK or totalinvested > 115% stacksize) fold force
When stacksize < 8 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or totalinvested > 115% stacksize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or havenutflushdraw or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or havenutflushdraw or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and (havetrips or havefullhouse) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and flushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetoptwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and flushpossible and (not straightpossible) and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and (haveset or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) raisemax force
when (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 15% stacksize and stacksize > 10 and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin) and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw and suitsonboard >= 2) and not (totalinvested > 115% stacksize) and not (havepair and haveflushdraw and suitsonboard = 2) fold force
when opponents <= 2 and stacksize <= 20 and potsize >= 3 and havetoppair and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T ) call force
when haveoverpair and opponents <= 2 and (not paironboard) and stacksize < 25 raisemax force
when haveoverpair and opponents <= 2 and paironboard and not (board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99) and stacksize < 25 raisemax force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or botislastraiser or opponentisallin or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize) fold force
When (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair) and board = A and not (havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize or opponents >= 2) fold force
When stacksize < 22 and potsize > 3 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveUnderPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( not HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( not HaveStraight ) and ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) raisemax force
When UserEarlyRaiser and bets = 1 and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 35% potsize and not (hand = AA or havetwopair or haveset or paironboard or havenutflushdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize = 1 UserMinBettor
When Opponentisallin and (not UserDead) UserDead2
When (not havetoppair) user2set
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = KQ) sitout force
When (hand = KK or hand = AK) and raises = 0 and not (opponentsattable <= 2 or calls >= 3) raisepot force
When raises >= 1 and stacksize > 15 and amounttocall > 20 and not (pairinhand or hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = KQ suited) fold force
When stacksize > 20 and bigblindsize > 10 and raises >= 2 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AJ suited) fold force
When (hand = A6 or hand = A5 or hand = A4 or hand = A3 or hand = A2) and not (hand = A suited) and raises >= 1 and stilltoact >= 1 and amounttocall >= 2 fold force
When hand = 97 and (not hand = 9 suited) and raises >= 1 and (stilltoact >= 1 or folds >= 1) and amounttocall >= 2 fold force
When hand = QJ suited and raises = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 call force
When botslastaction = call and (hand = K2 or hand = K3 or hand = K4 or hand = K5 or hand = K6 or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or hand = Q5 or hand = Q6 or hand = J2 or hand = J3 or hand = J4 or hand = J5 or hand = J6) and not (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited) fold force
When botslastaction = call and amounttocall > 1 and not (pairinhand or hand = A or hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 85 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 75 suited or hand = 65 or hand = 64 suited or hand = 54 suited) fold force
When stilltoact = 1 and (calls = 1 or raises >= 1) and (hand = K2 or hand = K3 or hand = K4 or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or hand = Q5 or hand = J2 or hand = J3 or hand = J4 or hand = J5) and not (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = J suited) fold force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 and (hand = A suited or hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT suited or hand = K9 suited or hand = QJ or hand = QT suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = K ) and not ( hand = K K or hand = A K or hand = K Q suited or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = Q suited) and not ( hand = A Q or hand = K Q or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and ( hand = Q ) and not ( hand = QQ or hand = A Q or hand = K Q suited or hand = Q2 or hand = Q3 or hand = Q4 or StackSize < 15 ) call force
When stilltoact = 1 and raises = 0 and calls >= 1 and (hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 65 or hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55 or hand = 66) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and hand = Q J suited and BetSize < 6 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and amounttocall = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and random <= 30 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 87 suited or pairinhand) raise 2 force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and amounttocall <= 1 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and (hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = K suited or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = Q7 or hand = Q suited or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = J suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 suited or hand = T6 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 97 or hand = 96 or hand = 95 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 or hand = 85 or hand = 84 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 75 or hand = 74 or hand = 65 or hand = 64 or hand = 63 suited or hand = 54 or hand = 53 suited or hand = 43 or pairinhand) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 2 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and random <= 35 and (hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = K8 suited or hand = K7 suited or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 suited or hand = Q7 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = J8 suited or hand = T9 or hand = T8 suited or hand = 98 or hand = 87 or hand = 76 or pairinhand) call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and lastraiserposition <= 3 and amounttocall <= 3 and (hand = A suited or hand = AT or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT suited or hand = K9 suited or hand = QJ or hand = QT suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = JT or hand = J9 suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited) call force
When stilltoact <= 2 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = KQ or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = K9 or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = Q9 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = T9 or hand = 98 suited or hand = 87 suited or pairinhand) and random <= 25 raise 2 force
When stilltoact <= 2 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and (hand = K9 or hand = K8 or hand = K7 or hand = Q9 or hand = Q8 or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = J8 or hand = J7 or hand = T9 or hand = T8 or hand = T7 or hand = 98 or hand = 97 suited or hand = 96 suited or hand = 87 or hand = 86 suited or hand = 76 or hand = 65 suited) raise force
When BotsLastAction = call and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = QQ) and raises = 1 and calls >= 1 and BetSize <= 3 call force
When (BotsLastAction = call or botslastaction = raise) and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = QQ) and amounttocall = 1 call force
When pairinhand and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and (BotsLastAction = call or botslastaction = raise) and amounttocall < 7 and amounttocall < 25% potsize and calls >= 2 call force
When ( hand = 2 2 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 4 4 ) and StillToAct >= 6 and StackSize > 22 and ( not In BigBlind ) fold force
When in bigblind and hand = A and not (hand = AA or hand = AK or hand = AQ suited or hand = AJ suited) and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 1 call force
When (hand = JJ or hand = TT or hand = 99) and raises = 2 and stacksize > 25 and (amounttocall < 24% potsize and amounttocall < 20% stacksize and amounttocall < 18) call force
When hand = TT and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 6 call force
When hand = JJ and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 7 call force
When hand = QQ and opponentsattable <= 2 and raises <= 1 raisepot force
When hand = QQ and opponentsattable <= 2 and raises >= 2 and amounttocall < 36% stacksize call force
When hand = Q Q and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( AmountToCall < 43% PotSize or BetSize < 32% StackSize ) call force
When hand = Q Q and raises = 2 and stacksize < 45 raisemax force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 3 and stacksize < 30 raisemax force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 2 and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or BetSize < 35% StackSize ) fold force
When hand = Q Q and raises >= 2 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( AmountToCall < 50% PotSize or AmountToCall < 35% StackSize ) call force
When hand = Q Q and Random <= 25 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 RaiseMin force
When hand = Q Q and raises = 1 and ( LastRaiserPosition > 4 or BetSize > 6 ) and AmountToCall > 3 and not ( BotsLastAction = raise or StackSize < 45 ) call force
When hand = QQ and stacksize <= 55 and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 8 raisemax force
When hand = QQ and stacksize <= 40 and (calls >= 2 or raises = 1) raisemax force
When hand = QQ and raises = 1 and botslastaction = raise and (amounttocall < 51% potsize or amounttocall < 49% stacksize) call force
When hand = QQ and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 49% stacksize and amounttocall > 60 fold force
when hand = QQ and raises = 1 call force
When hand = KJ and (not hand = KJ suited) and stilltoact >= 6 fold force
When (hand = K9 suited or hand = Q9 suited or hand = J9 suited) and raises >= 1 and not (In BigBlind or opponentsattable <= 3) fold force
When random <= 15 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and stilltoact <= 3 and (hand = K8 or hand = Q8 or hand = J8) raisepot force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A T or hand = K J or hand = Q J )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K T or hand = Q T or hand = J T )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 6 6 or hand = 5 5 or hand = 4 4 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 2 2 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 9 suited or hand = A 8 suited or hand = A 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 6 suited or hand = A 5 suited or hand = A 4 suited or hand = A 3 suited or hand = A 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and hand = A 9
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 8 or hand = A 7 or hand = A 6 or hand = A 5 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = A 4 or hand = A 3 or hand = A 2 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 9 suited or hand = K 8 suited or hand = K 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 6 suited or hand = K 5 suited or hand = K 4 suited or hand = K 3 suited or hand = K 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = K 8 or hand = K 7 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 9 suited or hand = Q 8 suited or hand = Q 7 suited or hand = J 9 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 6 suited or hand = Q 5 suited or hand = Q 4 suited or hand = Q 3 suited or hand = Q 2 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 8 7 suited or hand = 7 6 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 6 5 suited or hand = 5 4 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable <= 2 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = J 8 suited or hand = J 7 suited or hand = T 8 suited or hand = T 7 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = Q 9 or hand = Q 8 or hand = J 9 or hand = T 9 or hand = Q 7 or hand = J 8 or hand = J 7 or hand = 9 8 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 7 suited or hand = 9 6 suited or hand = 8 6 suited or hand = 8 5 suited or hand = 7s 5s or hand = 6h 4h )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = T 8 or hand = T 7 or hand = 9 7 )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 7 5 suited or hand = 6 4 suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = J suited or hand = T suited )
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 6 or hand = 8 6 or hand = 7 6 or hand = 6 5 )
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
When OpponentsAtTable = 1 and stacksize > 25 and ( hand = 9 5 or hand = 8 5 or hand = 7 5 )
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 raise force
when opponentsattable > 3 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and random < 25
when stilltoact <= 2 and (hand = AT or hand = A9 or hand = A8 or hand = A7 or hand = KJ or hand = KT or hand = QJ or hand = QT or hand = JT or hand = J9 or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited or hand = 66 or hand = 55) raise 2 force
when stilltoact <= 3 and (hand = AJ or hand = KQ or hand = QJ suited or hand = JT suited or hand = T9 suited or hand = 98 suited or hand = 99 or hand = 88 or hand = 77) raise 2 force
when stilltoact <= 4 and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ suited or hand = KQ suited or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) raise 2 force
When (hand = 22 or hand = 33 or hand = 44 or hand = 55)
when botslastaction = none and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 3 fold force
when raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 28% potsize fold force
When ( hand = A Q suited or hand = K Q suited or hand = A J suited)
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and ( LastRaiserPosition = 1 or LastRaiserPosition = 2 or LastRaiserPosition = 3 ) and ( hand = Ad or hand = Qd ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 8 and calls >= 3 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When hand = A Q
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and ( LastRaiserPosition = 1 or LastRaiserPosition = 2 or LastRaiserPosition = 3 ) and ( hand = Ad or hand = Qd ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 3 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When In BigBlind and raises = 0 and calls = 1 and LastCallerPosition <= 3 RaisePot force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K )
when random <= 8 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 call force
when random <= 8 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when TotalInvested > 100% StackSize RaiseMax force
when raises >= 2 RaiseMax force
when BetSize > 25% StackSize RaiseMax force
when (BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call) RaisePot force
when Others RaisePot force
When (hand = K Q suited or hand = Q J suited or hand = J T suited or hand = J J)
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize <= 8 and amounttocall < 33% stacksize call force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize > 8 fold force
When hand = K Q
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize < 7 call force
When BotsLastAction = call and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and LastRaiserPosition <= 4 and BetSize < 5 and Random <= 35 raise force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 13% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 fold force
When raises = 1 and hand = K Q suited call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 1 call force
When raises = 1 and OpponentsAtTable > 2 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and hand = K Q suited and StillToAct <= 3 RaisePot force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 raise force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 6 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 call force
When Opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( PairInHand or hand = A K or hand = A Q suited ) and not ( hand = 2 2 or hand = 3 3 or hand = 4 4 or hand = 5 5 or hand = 6 6 ) and stacksize > 60
When BotsLastAction = raise and Amounttocall < 12 call force
When BetSize < 8 call force
When PotSize > 20 and Amounttocall < 11 call force
When PotSize > 25 and Amounttocall < 13 call force
When PotSize > 30 and Amounttocall < 16 call force
When PotSize > 35 and Amounttocall < 18 call force
When PotSize > 40 and Amounttocall < 21 call force
When PotSize > 50 and Amounttocall < 26 call force
When botslastaction = raise and opponentsattable = 1 and amounttocall = 1
when (hand = AQ or hand = AJ or hand = KQ suited) raisepot force
when hand = AT suited and random <= 50 raisepot force
when hand = A and not (hand = AA or hand = AK) call force
when (hand = K suited or hand = Q suited or hand = J suited or hand = T suited or hand = 9 suited or hand = 8 suited or hand = 7 suited or hand = 6 suited or hand = 5 suited or hand = 4 suited) call force
when (hand = 56 or hand = 57 or hand = 58 or hand = 59 or hand = 67 or hand = 68 or hand = 69 or hand = 78 or hand = 79 or hand = 7T or hand = 7J or hand = 7Q or hand = 7K or hand = 89 or hand = 8T or hand = 8J or hand = 8Q or hand = 8K or hand = 9T or hand = 9J or hand = 9Q or hand = 9K or hand = TJ or hand = TQ or hand = TK or hand = JQ or hand = JK or hand = QK) call force
When hand = A K
when raises = 1 and amounttocall <= 2 and botslastaction = none and random <= 50 raise 4 force
when random <= 10 and raises = 0 and stilltoact >= 3 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when botslastaction = raise and raises = 1 and callssincelastraise = 0 and hand = AK suited and amounttocall <= 4 and random <= 50 raisepot force
when random <= 10 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and stacksize > 35 raisemin force
when raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 1 RaisePot force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 4 RaisePot force
when raises = 1 and AmountToCall = 2 and Random <= 50 RaisePot force
when StackSize > 35 and raises >= 2 and ( not hand = A K suited ) and BetSize > 15 fold force
when StackSize > 35 and raises >= 2 and BetSize > 25 fold force
when hand = A K suited and ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 40% StackSize and BetSize < 26 call force
when raises = 1 and ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 33% StackSize and BetSize < 20 call force
when ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize and AmountToCall < 15 call force
when raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 5 and ( hand = Ac ) RaiseMin force
when raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize < 15 and not ( StackSize < 20 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) call force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize < 20 and not ( StackSize < 20 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) call force
when raises >= 2 and not ( TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or StackSize < 22 ) and BetSize > 50% StackSize fold force
when raises = 2 and ( TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or StackSize < 22 ) raisemax force
when raises = 2 and hand = A K suited call force
when raises >= 3 and AmountToCall > 20% StackSize and ( not StackSize < 22 ) fold force
when hand = A K suited and raises = 1 and BetSize > 19 and not ( StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
when raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and not ( StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 75% StackSize or hand = AK suited ) fold force
when potsize < 8 raisepot force
When hand = 99
When stacksize < 26 and raises <= 1 raisemax force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises = 1 and (AmountToCall > 25% StackSize or AmountToCall > 52% potsize or AmountTocall > and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and AmountToCall > 30% StackSize fold force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 call force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize <= 5 and Random <= 50 RaisePot force
When ( In BigBlind or In SmallBlind ) and raises = 1 and BetSize <= 5 call force
When raises = 0 and StillToAct >= 6 call force
When raises = 0 and calls >= 3 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 6 call force
When raises = 1 and ( BetSize = 7 or BetSize = 8 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize >= 9 and not ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call or OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When raises = 2 and ( not OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When raises >= 3 fold force
When (hand = QT or hand = KT) and not (hand = QT suited or hand = KT suited)
when in bigblind and raises = 1 and amounttocall = 1 call force
when in bigblind and raises = 1 and lastraiserposition <= 2 and amounttocall <= 2 call force
when stilltoact >= 4 fold force
When StillToAct = 3 and Random <= 33 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 raise force
when raises = 0 and calls >= 1 call force
when others fold force
When ( hand = As T or hand = Ks J or hand = Qs J or hand = Ks T or hand = Js T ) and not ( hand = A T suited or hand = K J suited or hand = Q J suited or hand = K T suited or hand = J T suited )
When StillToAct >= 5 fold force
When raises = 0 and StillToAct = 4 call force
When hand = A 9 suited
When BotsLastAction = raise and BetSize < 6 call force
When BotsLastAction = call and BetSize < 4 call force
When StillToAct >= 7 fold force
When raises = 0 and calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 4 raise force
When raises = 0 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and LastRaiserPosition <= 4 and BetSize < 5 and Random <= 35 raise force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 6 call force
When raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 8 call force
When hand = A 9 and (not hand = A9 suited)
When StillToAct = 4 and Random <= 50 fold force
When calls = 0 and raises = 0 and StillToAct = 4 raise force
when stilltoact >= 5 fold force
When ( hand = T 9 suited or hand = 9 8 suited or hand = 87 suited or hand = 76 suited)
When raises >= 2 fold force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and BetSize < 6 call force
When ( BotsLastAction = raise or BotsLastAction = call ) and raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 8 call force
When BotsLastAction = none and raises = 1 and calls >= 2 and BetSize < 6 call force
When In BigBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 5 call force
When In SmallBlind and raises = 1 and BetSize < 4 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 4 and hand = T9 suited and Random <= 50 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 3 and lastraiserposition <= 4 and (not hand = 76 suited) call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 3 and (not hand = 76 suited) and Random <= 50 call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize = 2 call force
When raises = 1 fold force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and Random <= 50 and (not hand = 76 suited) RaisePot force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and opponentsattable <= 5 raisemin force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct <= 3 and (not hand = 76 suited) RaiseMin force
When calls = 0 and StillToAct >= 7 fold force
When hand = 76 suited and Stilltoact = 4 call force
When (not hand = 76 suited) call force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = A and not (board = K or board = Q or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = K and not (board = A or board = Q or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 70% stacksize and havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = Q and not (board = K or board = A or board = J or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 raisemax force
When totalinvested > 145% stacksize and (hand =AK or hand = AQ) raisemax force
When totalinvested > 145% stacksize and hand = A and overcards = 2 raisemax force
When (haveunderpair or havebottompair) and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveinsidestraightdraw or haveflush or haveflushdraw or stacksize < 6) and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and stacksize > 30 and amounttocall < 6) and bigblindsize >= 150 fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 21% stacksize and botslastaction = bet and (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or haveset or havetrips or havenutflushdraw or havestraight) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 17% stacksize and (havepair or havetrips or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 9% stacksize and (haveinsidestraightdraw or hand = AK or overcards = 2) call force
When StackSize < 6 and (havepair or havetrips or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 8 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) raisemax force
When stacksize < 15 and not (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK or totalinvested > 115% stacksize or amounttocall <= 1) fold force
When potsize > 5 and stacksize < 22 and not (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or hand = AK or totalinvested > 115% stacksize) fold force
When stacksize < 8 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or totalinvested > 115% stacksize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or havenutflushdraw or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or havenutflushdraw or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and (havetrips or havefullhouse) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and flushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetoptwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and flushpossible and (not straightpossible) and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and (haveset or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) raisemax force
when (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 15% stacksize and stacksize > 10 and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin) and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw and suitsonboard >= 2) and not (totalinvested > 115% stacksize) and not (havepair and haveflushdraw and suitsonboard = 2) fold force
when opponents <= 2 and stacksize <= 20 and potsize >= 3 and havetoppair and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonflop) raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T ) call force
when haveoverpair and opponents <= 2 and (not paironboard) and stacksize < 25 raisemax force
when haveoverpair and opponents <= 2 and paironboard and not (board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99) and stacksize < 25 raisemax force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or botislastraiser or opponentisallin or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize) fold force
When (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair) and board = A and not (havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize or opponents >= 2) fold force
When stacksize < 22 and potsize > 3 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveUnderPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( not HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( not HaveStraight ) and ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) raisemax force
When UserEarlyRaiser and bets = 1 and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 35% potsize and not (hand = AA or havetwopair or haveset or paironboard or havenutflushdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize = 1 UserMinBettor
When Opponentisallin and (not UserDead) UserDead2
When (not havetoppair) user2set
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
When havenutstraightdraw and overcards >= 1 and (hand = A or hand = K or hand = Q) and not (flushpossible or paironboard) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall <= 8 and amounttocall < 20% stacksize call force
When hand = AA and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and opponentisallin and not (userdead or flushpossible or paironboard or board = KQ or board = KJ or board = KT or board = QJ or board = QT or board = JT) and amounttocall < 20 call force
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 19% potsize and amounttocall > 3 and overcards = 0 and not (havepair or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When amounttocall <= 2 and amounttocall < 30% potsize and havestraightdraw and not (flushpossible or haveoverpair or havetoppair or havestraight) call force
When stacksize > 80 and havenutflushdraw and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or paironboard or flushpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 call force
When raises >= 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or havetwopair or haveset or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible) and amounttocall > 8 and amounttocall > 24% potsize fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When opponents = 2 and position = last and checks = 2 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (not botraisedbeforeflop) bet 75% force
When suitsonboard = 2 and not (board = A or board = K or board = Q or havestraight or paironboard) and overcards = 2 and havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 30% stacksize call force
When tripsonboard and havefullhouse and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When havetoppair and (hand = AK) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 10 and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and betsize < 48% potsize and not (raisesbeforeflop and botraisedbeforeflop) and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard or opponents > 2 or folds > 1) raise 85% force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize < 26% stacksize betpot force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) and opponents = 3 and checks = 2 and botsactionspreflop = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize < 26% stacksize betpot force
When havetoppair and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or flushpossible or threecardstraightonboard or board = A or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) raise 85% force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or flushpossible or threecardstraightonboard or board = A or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 39% potsize call force
When raises = 1 and amounttocall < 33% potsize and haveoverpair and callssincelastraise = 0 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and opponents = 1 and folds = 0 and betsize > 47% potsize and betsize <= 12 and (havepair or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) and not (haveunderpair or havebottompair or flushpossible or straightpossible or board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair) call force
When haveunderpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 19% potsize and (not haveset) fold force
When bets = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 60% potsize and not (havepair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When stacksize < 28 and not (havepair or havetrips or haveset or havestraight or haveflush or havefullhouse or havequads or havenutflushdraw or botislastraiser or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 26% potsize) and not (havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and haveflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 2 and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (havetwopair or haveset) and random <= 50 call force
When uncoordinatedflop and botslastaction = check and position = first and bets = 1 and raises <= 1 and (havetwopair or haveset) raisepot force
When have2ndoverpair and havestraightdraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or betsize > 13 or amounttocall > 35% stacksize) call force
When paironboard and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and stacksize > 22 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and betsize > 8 and not (hand = AA or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 40% potsize and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and raises >= 1 and havetoppair and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 60% potsize and amounttocall > 30 and amounttocall > 28% stacksize and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutstraightdraw or havenutflushdraw) fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and amounttocall < 28% potsize and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (not UserDead) and amounttocall < 22% stacksize call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and (not opponentisallin) and betsize < 9 and random <= 15 and stacksize > 50 raise 80% force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall > 47% potsize) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and raises >= 1 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (haveset or havetoptwopair) and betsize > 3 and random <= 66 call force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and botcalledbeforeflop and raisesbeforeflop and not (folds >= 2 or betsize > 8 or stacksize < 35 or botraisedbeforeflop) and random <= 33 raise 75% force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (botslastpreflopaction = call or botslastpreflopaction = check) and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (haveoverpair or haveset) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible) call force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (botslastpreflopaction = call or botslastpreflopaction = check) and position = first and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (haveoverpair or haveset) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or betsize > raisepot force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 17% stacksize and haveoverpair and (hand = JJ or hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA) and not (raisesbeforeflop or flushpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2 or UserDead) call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 67% PotSize and BetSize > 12 and StackSize > 40 and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNuts ) and not ( hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( hand = A A and HaveBackdoorNutFlushDraw ) fold force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) fold force
When ( HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) call force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or HaveQuads ) and amounttocall > 25% potsize fold force
When (inbigblind or botslastaction = check) and havenothing and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or hand = A) fold force
When havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or potsize > 12) call force
When HaveSet and ( not PairOnBoard ) and SuitsOnBoard = 2 and ( not StraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When HaveSet and ( not PairOnBoard ) and SuitsOnBoard = 2 and ( not Position = First ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) RaisePot force
When HaveTopPair and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 10 RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K ) and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or board = A K or UserDead) call force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K ) and raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or board = A K ) call force
When HaveTopPair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( HaveBestKicker or opponents >= 3 or FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and BetSize > 38% PotSize and BetSize < 47% PotSize and BetSize < 33% StackSize call force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 20% StackSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 ) RaiseMax force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 20% PotSize and BetSize < 15% StackSize and StackSize > 20 and not ( Haveoverpair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveBackdoorFlushDraw or hand = A K ) call force
When raises >= 2 and not ( hand = A A or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw or OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When BotsLastAction = call and CalledOnFlop and raises = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize and AmountToCall < 26% PotSize call force
When BotIsLastRaiser and StackSize > 20 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or opponents > 2 ) and not ( board = A and StraightPossible ) and not ( board = K and StraightPossible ) and not ( board = Q J T or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 or board = 8 7 6 ) BetPot force
When BotIsLastRaiser and StackSize > 20 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or opponents > 1 ) and not ( board = A K Q or board = K Q J or board = Q J T or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 ) BetPot force
When HaveInsideStraightDraw and Overcards >= 1 and not ( HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HavePair ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 27% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and not ( board = T or board = J or hand = A A or hand = K K or HaveNutFlushDraw or HaveNutStraightDraw or OpponentIsAllIn or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 64% PotSize fold force
When HaveOverPair and PairOnBoard and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or OpponentIsAllIn ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 64% PotSize fold force
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountTocall > 41% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or Overcards = 1 ) fold force
When bets = 1 and HaveBackdoorFlushDraw and raises = 0 and not ( HaveNuts or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or FlushPossible ) and BetSize < 7 and BetSize <= 20% PotSize call force
When HaveStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or Overcards = 2 ) and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize > 3 and AmountToCall > 35% PotSize and BetSize > 5% StackSize fold force
When Have3rdOverPair and not ( HaveNutFlushDraw or Have2ndNutFlushDraw or BotIsLastRaiser ) and not ( bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and BotIsLastRaiser ) and not ( OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize > 15% StackSize ) and Random <= 60 fold force
When ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and checks >= 1 and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNutFlushDraw or hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T or hand = 9 9 or HaveTopNonBoardPairedPair ) fold force
When ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and checks >= 1 and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and ( hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) BetPot force
When PairOnBoard and HaveTopPair and ( hand = A K or hand = A Q ) and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 ) and AmountToCall < 53% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or hand = K K or hand = A A or OpponentIsAllIn or AmountToCall < 36% PotSize ) fold force
When Overcards = 1 and HaveInsideStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 8% StackSize fold force
When HavePair and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 or BetSize > 15% StackSize ) fold force
When not ( RaisesBeforeFlop or BotRaisedBeforeFlop ) and ( Position = Last or Position = Middle ) and not ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize > 10% StackSize fold force
When HaveFullHouse and ( not TripsOnBoard ) and bets >= 1 RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and PairOnBoard and HaveUnderPair and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or AmountToCall < 14% potsize ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or havestraight or haveflush or BetSize = 1 ) and not (bets = 0 and raises = 0) and not (amounttocall < 10 and amounttocall < 20% potsize) fold force
When PairOnBoard and Overcards = 0 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or bets = 0 or raises = 0 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When HaveOverPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and BetSize > 90% PotSize and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and raises = 0 and HaveTrips RaisePot force
When not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises <= 1 ) and HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and BetSize < 25% StackSize RaisePot force
When not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises <= 1 ) and HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) call force
When not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveInsideNutStraightDraw and ( bets = 1 or bets = 0 ) and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveInsideNutStraightDraw and raises = 1 and BetSize < 35% StackSize call force
When board = A and opponents > 2 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveBottomPair and Position = First and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or hand = 9 or hand = 8 or hand = 7 or hand = 2 or hand = 3c or hand = 3s or hand = 4c or hand = 4s or hand = 5c or hand = 5s or hand = 6c or hand = 6s ) BetMin force
When opponents > 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveBackdoorFlushDraw or folds >= 2 ) and BetSize > 8 and BetSize < 20 call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveNutFlushDraw and Overcards = 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 47% PotSize call force
When board = A and bets = 1 and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When ( board = K or board = Q or board = J ) and bets = 1 and ( opponents > 2 or folds >= 2 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveOverPair or AmountToCall < 33% PotSize ) and ( not TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 18% StackSize fold force
When ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or HaveStraightFlush or HaveNutFlush ) and raises = 0 call force
When flushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 47% potsize and not (haveflush or havenutflushdraw or have2ndnutflushdraw or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) fold force
When Position = First and opponents >= 3
When ( HaveFullHouse or HaveStraightFlush or HaveNutFlush ) call force
When ( HaveTrips or HaveNutStraight or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair ) and SuitsOnBoard = 3 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 call force
When HaveTopPair and SuitsOnBoard = 3 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) bet 50% force
When HaveOverPair
When HaveNutFlushDraw and bets >= 1 and BetSize < 55% PotSize RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and BetSize > 3 and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or RaisesBeforeFlop or BetSize > 47% PotSize or StackSize < 25 or folds >= 1) call force
When not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (calls = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 23% potsize) and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 25% StackSize and StackSize > 35 and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveNutFlushDraw or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( TotalInvested > 100% StackSize or BetSize < 40% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 41% PotSize and StackSize > 20 fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) and opponents < 3
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and BetSize < 20 call force
When opponentsonflop = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and (not UserDead)
When AmountToCall < 28% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When AmountToCall < 41% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A K or hand = A Q ) and not ( HaveBottomPair or HaveUnderPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 33% PotSize and hand = A and Overcards = 2 call force
When PotSize > 10 and BetSize < 6 and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When opponents = 1 and hand = A K and PairOnBoard and ( board = 2 2 or board = 3 3 or board = 4 4 or board = 5 5 or board = 6 6 ) and ( not folds >= 1 )
When ( board = A or board = K ) and raises <= 1 RaisePot force
When ( board = A or board = K ) and raises = 2 and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or StackSize < 60 ) and BetSize < 50% StackSize call force
When opponents > 2 and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or Have3rdBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or paironboard or flushpossible)
When BetSize > 10 fold force
When not (PairOnBoard or StraightPossible) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker
When raises <= 1 RaisePot force
When raises >= 2 call force
When not (paironboard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or hand = A A or flushpossible or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or havestraightdraw) and HaveNutFlushDraw and ( HavePair or Overcards = 2 )
When raises = 0 RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and BetSize <= 35% StackSize call force
When TotalInvested > 75% StackSize call force
When BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( not StackSize < 50 ) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlushDraw or HaveInsideStraightDraw )
When ( not Position = Last ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize < 8 call force
When bets = 1 and BetSize >= 8 fold force
When opponents <= 2 and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and RaisesBeforeFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or BotRaisedBeforeFlop )
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 12 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and (not UserDead)
When ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 35% stacksize call force
When (Have2ndOverPair or have2ndtoppair) and (not board = A) and AmountToCall < 26% stacksize call force
When HaveTopPair and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize )
When HaveBestKicker and BetSize > 35 and StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 52% PotSize and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and not ( board = A or board = K ) fold force
When BetSize > 20 and StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 45% PotSize and AmountToCall > 40% PotSize and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When FlushPossible and hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize RaisePot force
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize >= 15% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 35% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( not TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 2 and ( not TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 1 RaiseMax force
When FlushPossible
When ( not HaveFlush ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and ( BetSize < 14% StackSize or AmountToCall < 43% PotSize) call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not StraightPossible ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or BetSize = 1 or betsize < 28% potsize) fold force
When ( raises >= 1 or BetSize > 25% StackSize ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or amounttocall < 31% potsize or amounttocall < fold force
When StraightPossible and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or HaveStraight or BetSize = 1 or amounttocall < 26% potsize or amounttocall < 6) fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 2 and not ( HavePair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When BetSize > 33% PotSize fold force
When Overcards = 2 and hand = A and not ( board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) call force
When Overcards = 2 and hand = K Q and not ( board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) call force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or PairOnBoard or HaveNutFlushDraw )
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 20% StackSize and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize >= 20% StackSize fold force
When raises >= 1 and ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) fold force
When board = A and ( Have2ndOverPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 15% StackSize fold force
When hand = A A and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and not ( board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When BetSize < 35% StackSize and hand = Ac RaisePot force
When ( not StraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When BetSize < 35% StackSize call force
When BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( hand = Ac or hand = Ah ) RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When raises = 1 and BotsLastAction = bet and BetSize <= 40% StackSize and not ( TotalInvested > 90% StackSize or StackSize < 50 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 40% StackSize and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize or StackSize < 50 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and HaveStraightDraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveFlushDraw or StraightPossible )
When SuitsOnBoard = 3 and BetSize < 9% StackSize and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When SuitsOnBoard = 2 and BetSize < 6% StackSize and BetSize <= 38% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and bets = 1 and raises = 0
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 25% StackSize and ( not HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) and BetSize > 43% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize and Random <= 50 call force
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 25% StackSize and ( not HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) and BetSize > 43% PotSize fold force
When HaveOverPair and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and raises >= 1
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 30% StackSize and not ( HaveNutFlushDraw or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) fold force
When ( board = 5 5 or board = 4 4 or board = 3 3 or board = 2 2 ) and not ( TripsOnBoard or opponents >= 3 ) and HaveOverPair
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When bets = 0 and raises = 1 and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and not ( folds >= 2 or calls >= 2 ) and BetSize < 61% PotSize call force
When bets = 0 and raises = 1 and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and not ( folds >= 2 or calls >= 2 ) and BetSize < 15% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and ( AmountToCall <= 15 or AmountToCall < 47% PotSize ) and (not UserDead) call force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When HaveTopTwoPair and ( not MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) and opponents = 1 RaisePot force
When raises = 1 call force
When raises = 2 and ( not MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) call force
When raises = 0 RaisePot force
When HaveOverPair and ( hand = 9 9 or hand = T T or hand = J J ) and not ( HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and raises >= 1 and StackSize > 45
When AmountToCall > 38% StackSize fold force
When AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When BetSize > 62% PotSize fold force
When bets = 1 and ( HavePair or Overcards = 2 or hand = A or HaveBackdoorNutFlushDraw ) and raises = 0 and not ( HaveNuts or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) and BetSize < 7
When BetSize <= 20% PotSize and opponents <= 2 call force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 and Random <= 20 RaisePot force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 and Random <= 20 RaiseMin force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 call force
When HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or HaveNutFlushDraw or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 or board = 5 6 7 or board = 4 5 6 or board = 3 4 5 or board = 2 3 4 )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When raises >= 1 and ( AmountToCall < 51% PotSize or BetSize < 45% StackSize ) call force
When MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop and ( board = A K or board = A Q or board = A J or board = K Q or board = K J or board = Q J or board = Q T ) and not (Haveoverpair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( opponents >= 2 or folds >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or raises >= 2) and AmountToCall < 20
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( HavePair or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard ) call force
When AmountToCall < 37% PotSize and HaveFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips ) call force
When AmountToCall < 37% PotSize and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or suitsonboard = 2) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 17% stacksize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 10% stacksize and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When StackSize < 7 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) and not (nobettingonflop or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (not nobettingonflop) and onecardflushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and not (nobettingonflop or onecardflushpossible) and onecardstraightpossible and (havestraight or haveset) raisemax force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or twopaironboard) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and flushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetoptwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and (haveset or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
when (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 15% stacksize and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin) and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or totalinvested > 100% stacksize) fold force
when tripsonboard and (not totalinvested > 100% stacksize) and not (havequads or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 4 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 5 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 6 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) call force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or botislastraiser or opponentisallin or totalinvested > 90% stacksize or havestraight or haveflush) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize) fold force
When havenutflush and not (paironboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When havenothing and raises >= 1 and stacksize > 31 and not (totalinvested > 145% stacksize) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or havetopnonboardpairedpair) and not (opponents >= 2 and board = AAA) and amounttocall < 33% potsize raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have3rdTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveStraight or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HaveBestKicker call force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and (not position = last) and calledonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents >= 2 call force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) raisepot force
When not (board = A or board = K or board = Q or flushpossible or straightpossible) UserLowTurn
When twopaironboard User2PB
When UserMinBettor and opponents = 1 and position = last and calledonflop and (not raisesonflop) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize = 1 and random >= 60 raise 80% force
When Opponentisallin and not (UserDead or UserDead2) UserDead3
When opponents = 1 and onecardstraightpossible and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (not paironboard) UserTurnGood
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or havenutflushdraw or havenutstraightdraw or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When havetoptwopair and bets = 1 and betsize < 10% stacksize and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and stacksize < 250 and bets = 1 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisemax force
When havetoppair and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or havequads or havefullhouse or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) and nobettingonflop and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 43% potsize call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (betsize < 8 or betsize < 37% potsize) call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible) and (betsize < 12 or betsize < 44% potsize) call force
When haveflushdraw and havestraightdraw and not (flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 40% potsize and amounttocall <= 4 call force
When paironflop and opponentsonflop = 1 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible) and have2ndtoppair and havebestkicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 36% potsize and amounttocall <= 7 call force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (betsize < 8 or betsize < 5% stacksize) and betsize < 28% potsize call force
When amounttocall > 20% potsize and not (havepair or havestraight or haveflush or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When tripsonboard and havetoppair and havefullhouse and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (havequads or opponents > 2 or folds > 2 or betsize > 46% potsize or betsize > 35% stacksize or board = KKK or board = QQQ or board = JJJ or board = TTT) call force
When havenutflush and raises <= 1 and (not paironboard) and not (straightflushpossiblebyothers and onecardflushpossible) raisepot force
When have2ndnutflush and onecardflushpossible and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and amounttocall <= 34% potsize and not (UserDead or UserDead2) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard or stacksize < 40 or betsize < 12) and amounttocall < 40 call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard or stacksize < 40 or betsize < 35 or betsize > 50% stacksize) and (onlyonestraightpossible or not straightpossible) and amounttocall < 50 call force
When hand = AA and not (paironboard or haveflush or havestraight or haveset or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or raises >= 2) and (amounttocall < 20 or amounttocall < 47% potsize) and not (opponents >= 2 and bets = 1 and raises >= 1) and not (bets = 0 and raises = 0) call force
When havetoppair and haveflushdraw and haveinsidestraightdraw and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard) and (onlyonestraightpossible or not straightpossible) call force
When havetoppair and opponents = 1 and position = last and checks = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or raisesonflop or board = A or board = K or board = Q) and calledonflop and stacksize > 20 bet 70% force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and opponents = 1 and folds = 0 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (raisesonflop or calledonflop or haveset or havetwopair or haveflush or havestraight or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) and amounttocall < 23% stacksize and amounttocall < 36% potsize call force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and opponents <= 2 and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and checks = 2 and (botslastaction = call or botslastaction = check) and botsactionsonflop = 1 and stacksize > 20 and potsize < 10 bet 70% force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or folds > 1 or opponents > 2) and amounttocall < 38% potsize call force
When haveinsidestraightdraw and overcards >= 1 and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall <= 8% potsize and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) call force
When (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair) and opponents = 1 and opponentsonflop = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or calledonflop or raisesonflop) and botslastaction = check and botsactionsonthisround = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and position = first and suitsonflop = 2 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or board = A or board = K) call force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and haveoverpair and not (onecardflushpossible or opponentsonflop > 2 or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = 2345 or board = KJQT or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 60% force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and haveoverpair and not (onecardflushpossible or opponentsonflop > 2 or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = 2345 or board = KJQT or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and position = last and amounttocall < 35% potsize raisemin force
When botslastpreflopaction = raise and botsactionsonflop = 1 and (not calledonflop) and user2set and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and havetoppair bet 60% force
When overcards = 0 and betsize > 2 and amounttocall > 20% potsize and not (havepair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or haveflushdraw) fold force
When paironflop and (acepresentonflop or kingpresentonflop or queenpresentonflop) and botslastpreflopaction = bet and suitsonflop = 3 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflushdraw) and not (bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 16% potsize) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and folds = 0 and calledonflop and (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or botraisedonflop or nobettingonflop) and potsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and havetoppair and havebestkicker and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 41% potsize and (board = A or board = K or board = Q) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or raisesonflop or folds >= 1) call force
When havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2 or amounttocall > 40) and not (raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 55% potsize and amounttocall > 28) call force
When opponentsonflop >= 3 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 47% potsize and amounttocall > 15 and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When raisesonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When bets = 1 and calls = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or amounttocall < 15 or amounttocall < 23% potsize or stacksize < 30 or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have3rdbestkicker) fold force
When flushpossible and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 58% potsize and amounttocall > 30 and havestraight and not (haveflush or havequads or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or stacksize < 45) fold force
When board = 2345 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (havestraight or haveflush or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 24% potsize) fold force
When havetrips and flushpossible and opponents >= 2 and raises >= 1 and calls >= 1 and amounttocall > 40% potsize and betsize > 9 and not (havefullhouse or haveflush or havenutflushdraw or havequads) fold force
When straightpossible and opponents >= 2 and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (nobettingonflop or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or nobettingonflop) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall > 43% potsize) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or nobettingonflop) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and raises >= 1 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When board = 2345 and hand = A and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and folds = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize and (not flushpossible) call force
When (board = 3456 or board = 4567 or board = 5678) and haveunderstraight and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and (not flushpossible) call force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveunderstraight and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (haveflush or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = 9875 or board = 8764 or board = 7653 or board = 6542 or board = 543A) and (not flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and pairinhand and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = J987 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and (not flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or raises >= 2) and (board = QJT8 or board = JT97 or board = T986) and amounttocall < 55% potsize call force
When hand = AA and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and opponentisallin and not (userdead or flushpossible or paironboard or board = KQ or board = KJ or board = KT or board = QJ or board = QT or board = JT) and amounttocall < 20 call force
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 19% potsize and amounttocall > 3 and overcards = 0 and not (havepair or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When amounttocall <= 2 and amounttocall < 30% potsize and havestraightdraw and not (flushpossible or haveoverpair or havetoppair or havestraight) call force
When stacksize > 80 and havenutflushdraw and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or paironboard or flushpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 call force
When raises >= 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or havetwopair or haveset or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible) and amounttocall > 8 and amounttocall > 24% potsize fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When opponents = 2 and position = last and checks = 2 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (not botraisedbeforeflop) bet 75% force
When suitsonboard = 2 and not (board = A or board = K or board = Q or havestraight or paironboard) and overcards = 2 and havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 30% stacksize call force
When tripsonboard and havefullhouse and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When havetoppair and (hand = AK) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 10 and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and betsize < 48% potsize and not (raisesbeforeflop and botraisedbeforeflop) and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard or opponents > 2 or folds > 1) raise 85% force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize < 26% stacksize betpot force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ or hand = TT) and opponents = 3 and checks = 2 and botsactionspreflop = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and potsize < 26% stacksize betpot force
When havetoppair and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or flushpossible or threecardstraightonboard or board = A or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) raise 85% force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize <= 4 and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or flushpossible or threecardstraightonboard or board = A or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 39% potsize call force
When raises = 1 and amounttocall < 33% potsize and haveoverpair and callssincelastraise = 0 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and opponents = 1 and folds = 0 and betsize > 47% potsize and betsize <= 12 and (havepair or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) and not (haveunderpair or havebottompair or flushpossible or straightpossible or board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair) call force
When haveunderpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 19% potsize and (not haveset) fold force
When bets = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 60% potsize and not (havepair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw) fold force
When stacksize < 28 and not (havepair or havetrips or haveset or havestraight or haveflush or havefullhouse or havequads or havenutflushdraw or botislastraiser or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 26% potsize) and not (havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and haveflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 2 and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (havetwopair or haveset) and random <= 50 call force
When uncoordinatedflop and botslastaction = check and position = first and bets = 1 and raises <= 1 and (havetwopair or haveset) raisepot force
When have2ndoverpair and havestraightdraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or betsize > 13 or amounttocall > 35% stacksize) call force
When paironboard and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and stacksize > 22 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and betsize > 8 and not (hand = AA or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 40% potsize and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and raises >= 1 and havetoppair and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 60% potsize and amounttocall > 30 and amounttocall > 28% stacksize and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutstraightdraw or havenutflushdraw) fold force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and amounttocall < 28% potsize and (botslastaction = raise or botslastaction = bet) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (not UserDead) and amounttocall < 22% stacksize call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and (not opponentisallin) and betsize < 9 and random <= 15 and stacksize > 50 raise 80% force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall > 47% potsize) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and raises >= 1 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (haveset or havetoptwopair) and betsize > 3 and random <= 66 call force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and botcalledbeforeflop and raisesbeforeflop and not (folds >= 2 or betsize > 8 or stacksize < 35 or botraisedbeforeflop) and random <= 33 raise 75% force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (botslastpreflopaction = call or botslastpreflopaction = check) and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and (haveoverpair or haveset) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible) call force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK) and (botslastpreflopaction = call or botslastpreflopaction = check) and position = first and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (haveoverpair or haveset) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or betsize > raisepot force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 17% stacksize and haveoverpair and (hand = JJ or hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA) and not (raisesbeforeflop or flushpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2 or UserDead) call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 67% PotSize and BetSize > 12 and StackSize > 40 and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNuts ) and not ( hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( hand = A A and HaveBackdoorNutFlushDraw ) fold force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) fold force
When ( HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) call force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or HaveQuads ) and amounttocall > 25% potsize fold force
When (inbigblind or botslastaction = check) and havenothing and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or hand = A) fold force
When havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or potsize > 12) call force
When HaveSet and ( not PairOnBoard ) and SuitsOnBoard = 2 and ( not StraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When HaveSet and ( not PairOnBoard ) and SuitsOnBoard = 2 and ( not Position = First ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) RaisePot force
When HaveTopPair and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 10 RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K ) and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or board = A K or UserDead) call force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K ) and raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or board = A K ) call force
When HaveTopPair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( HaveBestKicker or opponents >= 3 or FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and BetSize > 38% PotSize and BetSize < 47% PotSize and BetSize < 33% StackSize call force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 20% StackSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 ) RaiseMax force
When ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 ) RaisePot force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 20% PotSize and BetSize < 15% StackSize and StackSize > 20 and not ( Haveoverpair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveBackdoorFlushDraw or hand = A K ) call force
When raises >= 2 and not ( hand = A A or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw or OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When BotsLastAction = call and CalledOnFlop and raises = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize and AmountToCall < 26% PotSize call force
When BotIsLastRaiser and StackSize > 20 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or opponents > 2 ) and not ( board = A and StraightPossible ) and not ( board = K and StraightPossible ) and not ( board = Q J T or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 or board = 8 7 6 ) BetPot force
When BotIsLastRaiser and StackSize > 20 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or opponents > 1 ) and not ( board = A K Q or board = K Q J or board = Q J T or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 ) BetPot force
When HaveInsideStraightDraw and Overcards >= 1 and not ( HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HavePair ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 27% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and not ( board = T or board = J or hand = A A or hand = K K or HaveNutFlushDraw or HaveNutStraightDraw or OpponentIsAllIn or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 64% PotSize fold force
When HaveOverPair and PairOnBoard and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or OpponentIsAllIn ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 64% PotSize fold force
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountTocall > 41% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or Overcards = 1 ) fold force
When bets = 1 and HaveBackdoorFlushDraw and raises = 0 and not ( HaveNuts or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or FlushPossible ) and BetSize < 7 and BetSize <= 20% PotSize call force
When HaveStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or Overcards = 2 ) and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize > 3 and AmountToCall > 35% PotSize and BetSize > 5% StackSize fold force
When Have3rdOverPair and not ( HaveNutFlushDraw or Have2ndNutFlushDraw or BotIsLastRaiser ) and not ( bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and BotIsLastRaiser ) and not ( OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize > 15% StackSize ) and Random <= 60 fold force
When ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and checks >= 1 and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNutFlushDraw or hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T or hand = 9 9 or HaveTopNonBoardPairedPair ) fold force
When ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and checks >= 1 and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and ( hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) BetPot force
When PairOnBoard and HaveTopPair and ( hand = A K or hand = A Q ) and opponents = 1 and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 ) and AmountToCall < 53% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or hand = K K or hand = A A or OpponentIsAllIn or AmountToCall < 36% PotSize ) fold force
When Overcards = 1 and HaveInsideStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 8% StackSize fold force
When HavePair and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 or BetSize > 15% StackSize ) fold force
When not ( RaisesBeforeFlop or BotRaisedBeforeFlop ) and ( Position = Last or Position = Middle ) and not ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize > 10% StackSize fold force
When HaveFullHouse and ( not TripsOnBoard ) and bets >= 1 RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and PairOnBoard and HaveUnderPair and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or AmountToCall < 14% potsize ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or havestraight or haveflush or BetSize = 1 ) and not (bets = 0 and raises = 0) and not (amounttocall < 10 and amounttocall < 20% potsize) fold force
When PairOnBoard and Overcards = 0 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or bets = 0 or raises = 0 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When HaveOverPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and BetSize > 90% PotSize and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and raises = 0 and HaveTrips RaisePot force
When not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises <= 1 ) and HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) and BetSize < 25% StackSize RaisePot force
When not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises <= 1 ) and HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K ) call force
When not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveInsideNutStraightDraw and ( bets = 1 or bets = 0 ) and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveInsideNutStraightDraw and raises = 1 and BetSize < 35% StackSize call force
When board = A and opponents > 2 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveBottomPair and Position = First and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or hand = 9 or hand = 8 or hand = 7 or hand = 2 or hand = 3c or hand = 3s or hand = 4c or hand = 4s or hand = 5c or hand = 5s or hand = 6c or hand = 6s ) BetMin force
When opponents > 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveBackdoorFlushDraw or folds >= 2 ) and BetSize > 8 and BetSize < 20 call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveNutFlushDraw and Overcards = 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 47% PotSize call force
When board = A and bets = 1 and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When ( board = K or board = Q or board = J ) and bets = 1 and ( opponents > 2 or folds >= 2 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveOverPair or AmountToCall < 33% PotSize ) and ( not TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 18% StackSize fold force
When ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or HaveStraightFlush or HaveNutFlush ) and raises = 0 call force
When flushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 47% potsize and not (haveflush or havenutflushdraw or have2ndnutflushdraw or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) fold force
When Position = First and opponents >= 3
When ( HaveFullHouse or HaveStraightFlush or HaveNutFlush ) call force
When ( HaveTrips or HaveNutStraight or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair ) and SuitsOnBoard = 3 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 call force
When HaveTopPair and SuitsOnBoard = 3 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) bet 50% force
When HaveOverPair
When HaveNutFlushDraw and bets >= 1 and BetSize < 55% PotSize RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and BetSize > 3 and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or RaisesBeforeFlop or BetSize > 47% PotSize or StackSize < 25 or folds >= 1) call force
When not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (calls = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 23% potsize) and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 25% StackSize and StackSize > 35 and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveNutFlushDraw or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( TotalInvested > 100% StackSize or BetSize < 40% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 41% PotSize and StackSize > 20 fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) and opponents < 3
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and BetSize < 20 call force
When opponentsonflop = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and (not UserDead)
When AmountToCall < 28% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When AmountToCall < 41% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A K or hand = A Q ) and not ( HaveBottomPair or HaveUnderPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 33% PotSize and hand = A and Overcards = 2 call force
When PotSize > 10 and BetSize < 6 and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When opponents = 1 and hand = A K and PairOnBoard and ( board = 2 2 or board = 3 3 or board = 4 4 or board = 5 5 or board = 6 6 ) and ( not folds >= 1 )
When ( board = A or board = K ) and raises <= 1 RaisePot force
When ( board = A or board = K ) and raises = 2 and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or StackSize < 60 ) and BetSize < 50% StackSize call force
When opponents > 2 and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or Have3rdBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or paironboard or flushpossible)
When BetSize > 10 fold force
When not (PairOnBoard or StraightPossible) and HaveNutFlushDraw and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker
When raises <= 1 RaisePot force
When raises >= 2 call force
When not (paironboard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or hand = A A or flushpossible or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or havestraightdraw) and HaveNutFlushDraw and ( HavePair or Overcards = 2 )
When raises = 0 RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and BetSize <= 35% StackSize call force
When TotalInvested > 75% StackSize call force
When BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( not StackSize < 50 ) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlushDraw or HaveInsideStraightDraw )
When ( not Position = Last ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize < 8 call force
When bets = 1 and BetSize >= 8 fold force
When opponents <= 2 and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and RaisesBeforeFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or StraightPossible or FlushPossible or BotRaisedBeforeFlop )
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 12 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and (not UserDead)
When ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 35% stacksize call force
When (Have2ndOverPair or have2ndtoppair) and (not board = A) and AmountToCall < 26% stacksize call force
When HaveTopPair and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize )
When HaveBestKicker and BetSize > 35 and StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 52% PotSize and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and not ( board = A or board = K ) fold force
When BetSize > 20 and StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 45% PotSize and AmountToCall > 40% PotSize and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When FlushPossible and hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize RaisePot force
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize >= 15% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 35% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( not TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 2 and ( not TotalInvested > 75% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 1 RaiseMax force
When FlushPossible
When ( not HaveFlush ) and HaveNutFlushDraw and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and ( BetSize < 14% StackSize or AmountToCall < 43% PotSize) call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not StraightPossible ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or BetSize = 1 or betsize < 28% potsize) fold force
When ( raises >= 1 or BetSize > 25% StackSize ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or amounttocall < 31% potsize or amounttocall < fold force
When StraightPossible and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveSet or HaveStraight or BetSize = 1 or amounttocall < 26% potsize or amounttocall < 6) fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 2 and not ( HavePair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When BetSize > 33% PotSize fold force
When Overcards = 2 and hand = A and not ( board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) call force
When Overcards = 2 and hand = K Q and not ( board = J or board = T or board = 9 ) call force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and not ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or PairOnBoard or HaveNutFlushDraw )
When raises >= 2 fold force
When raises = 1 and BetSize < 20% StackSize and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize >= 20% StackSize fold force
When raises >= 1 and ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) fold force
When board = A and ( Have2ndOverPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 15% StackSize fold force
When hand = A A and opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and not ( board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When BetSize < 35% StackSize and hand = Ac RaisePot force
When ( not StraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When BetSize < 35% StackSize call force
When BetSize > 35% StackSize and ( hand = Ac or hand = Ah ) RaiseMax force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When raises = 1 and BotsLastAction = bet and BetSize <= 40% StackSize and not ( TotalInvested > 90% StackSize or StackSize < 50 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 40% StackSize and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize and not ( OpponentIsAllIn or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize or StackSize < 50 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and HaveStraightDraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveFlushDraw or StraightPossible )
When SuitsOnBoard = 3 and BetSize < 9% StackSize and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When SuitsOnBoard = 2 and BetSize < 6% StackSize and BetSize <= 38% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and bets = 1 and raises = 0
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 25% StackSize and ( not HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) and BetSize > 43% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize and Random <= 50 call force
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 25% StackSize and ( not HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) and BetSize > 43% PotSize fold force
When HaveOverPair and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and RaisesBeforeFlop and raises >= 1
When StackSize > 35 and BetSize > 30% StackSize and not ( HaveNutFlushDraw or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and not ( HaveNutStraightDraw and not FlushPossible ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 38% StackSize ) fold force
When ( board = 5 5 or board = 4 4 or board = 3 3 or board = 2 2 ) and not ( TripsOnBoard or opponents >= 3 ) and HaveOverPair
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When bets = 0 and raises = 1 and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and not ( folds >= 2 or calls >= 2 ) and BetSize < 61% PotSize call force
When bets = 0 and raises = 1 and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and not ( folds >= 2 or calls >= 2 ) and BetSize < 15% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and ( AmountToCall <= 15 or AmountToCall < 47% PotSize ) and (not UserDead) call force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When HaveTopTwoPair and ( not MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) and opponents = 1 RaisePot force
When raises = 1 call force
When raises = 2 and ( not MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop ) call force
When raises = 0 RaisePot force
When HaveOverPair and ( hand = 9 9 or hand = T T or hand = J J ) and not ( HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and raises >= 1 and StackSize > 45
When AmountToCall > 38% StackSize fold force
When AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When BetSize > 62% PotSize fold force
When bets = 1 and ( HavePair or Overcards = 2 or hand = A or HaveBackdoorNutFlushDraw ) and raises = 0 and not ( HaveNuts or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) and BetSize < 7
When BetSize <= 20% PotSize and opponents <= 2 call force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 and Random <= 20 RaisePot force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 and Random <= 20 RaiseMin force
When BetSize <= 25% PotSize and opponents = 1 call force
When HaveOverPair and ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or HaveNutFlushDraw or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 or board = 5 6 7 or board = 4 5 6 or board = 3 4 5 or board = 2 3 4 )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 BetPot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When raises >= 1 and ( AmountToCall < 51% PotSize or BetSize < 45% StackSize ) call force
When MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop and ( board = A K or board = A Q or board = A J or board = K Q or board = K J or board = Q J or board = Q T ) and not (Haveoverpair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( opponents >= 2 or folds >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or raises >= 2) and AmountToCall < 20
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( HavePair or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard ) call force
When AmountToCall < 37% PotSize and HaveFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips ) call force
When AmountToCall < 37% PotSize and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or suitsonboard = 2) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 17% stacksize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 10% stacksize and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When StackSize < 7 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) and not (nobettingonflop or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and (not nobettingonflop) and onecardflushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and not (nobettingonflop or onecardflushpossible) and onecardstraightpossible and (havestraight or haveset) raisemax force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetwopair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or haveoverpair or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or twopaironboard) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and flushpossible and (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or havetoptwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and (haveset or havetwopair) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK) raisemax force
when (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 15% stacksize and not (opponents = 1 and opponentisallin) and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or totalinvested > 100% stacksize) fold force
when tripsonboard and (not totalinvested > 100% stacksize) and not (havequads or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 4 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 5 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 6 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) call force
When (havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havequads or havefullhouse or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or botislastraiser or opponentisallin or totalinvested > 90% stacksize or havestraight or haveflush) and stacksize > 15 and (raises >= 1 or betsize > 15% stacksize) fold force
When havenutflush and not (paironboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When havenothing and raises >= 1 and stacksize > 31 and not (totalinvested > 145% stacksize) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or havetopnonboardpairedpair) and not (opponents >= 2 and board = AAA) and amounttocall < 33% potsize raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have3rdTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveStraight or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HaveBestKicker call force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and (not position = last) and calledonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents >= 2 call force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) raisepot force
When not (board = A or board = K or board = Q or flushpossible or straightpossible) UserLowTurn
When twopaironboard User2PB
When UserMinBettor and opponents = 1 and position = last and calledonflop and (not raisesonflop) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize = 1 and random >= 60 raise 80% force
When Opponentisallin and not (UserDead or UserDead2) UserDead3
When opponents = 1 and onecardstraightpossible and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (not paironboard) UserTurnGood
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or havenutflushdraw or havenutstraightdraw or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When havetoptwopair and bets = 1 and betsize < 10% stacksize and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and stacksize < 250 and bets = 1 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisemax force
When havetoppair and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or havequads or havefullhouse or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) and nobettingonflop and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 43% potsize call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (betsize < 8 or betsize < 37% potsize) call force
When haveoverpair and paironboard and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible) and (betsize < 12 or betsize < 44% potsize) call force
When haveflushdraw and havestraightdraw and not (flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 40% potsize and amounttocall <= 4 call force
When paironflop and opponentsonflop = 1 and not (flushpossible or straightpossible) and have2ndtoppair and havebestkicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 36% potsize and amounttocall <= 7 call force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (betsize < 8 or betsize < 5% stacksize) and betsize < 28% potsize call force
When amounttocall > 20% potsize and not (havepair or havestraight or haveflush or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflushdraw or havestraightdraw or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When tripsonboard and havetoppair and havefullhouse and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (havequads or opponents > 2 or folds > 2 or betsize > 46% potsize or betsize > 35% stacksize or board = KKK or board = QQQ or board = JJJ or board = TTT) call force
When havenutflush and raises <= 1 and (not paironboard) and not (straightflushpossiblebyothers and onecardflushpossible) raisepot force
When have2ndnutflush and onecardflushpossible and raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and amounttocall <= 34% potsize and not (UserDead or UserDead2) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard or stacksize < 40 or betsize < 12) and amounttocall < 40 call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard or stacksize < 40 or betsize < 35 or betsize > 50% stacksize) and (onlyonestraightpossible or not straightpossible) and amounttocall < 50 call force
When hand = AA and not (paironboard or haveflush or havestraight or haveset or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or raises >= 2) and (amounttocall < 20 or amounttocall < 47% potsize) and not (opponents >= 2 and bets = 1 and raises >= 1) and not (bets = 0 and raises = 0) call force
When havetoppair and haveflushdraw and haveinsidestraightdraw and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard) and (onlyonestraightpossible or not straightpossible) call force
When havetoppair and opponents = 1 and position = last and checks = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or raisesonflop or board = A or board = K or board = Q) and calledonflop and stacksize > 20 bet 70% force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and opponents = 1 and folds = 0 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (raisesonflop or calledonflop or haveset or havetwopair or haveflush or havestraight or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) and amounttocall < 23% stacksize and amounttocall < 36% potsize call force
When (have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair) and opponents <= 2 and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and checks = 2 and (botslastaction = call or botslastaction = check) and botsactionsonflop = 1 and stacksize > 20 and potsize < 10 bet 70% force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (flushpossible or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or folds > 1 or opponents > 2) and amounttocall < 38% potsize call force
When haveinsidestraightdraw and overcards >= 1 and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall <= 8% potsize and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) call force
When (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair) and opponents = 1 and opponentsonflop = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or calledonflop or raisesonflop) and botslastaction = check and botsactionsonthisround = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and position = first and suitsonflop = 2 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or board = A or board = K) call force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and haveoverpair and not (onecardflushpossible or opponentsonflop > 2 or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = 2345 or board = KJQT or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 60% force
When (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and haveoverpair and not (onecardflushpossible or opponentsonflop > 2 or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = 2345 or board = KJQT or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and position = last and amounttocall < 35% potsize raisemin force
When botslastpreflopaction = raise and botsactionsonflop = 1 and (not calledonflop) and user2set and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 and havetoppair bet 60% force
When overcards = 0 and betsize > 2 and amounttocall > 20% potsize and not (havepair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or haveflushdraw) fold force
When paironflop and (acepresentonflop or kingpresentonflop or queenpresentonflop) and botslastpreflopaction = bet and suitsonflop = 3 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflushdraw) and not (bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 16% potsize) fold force
When uncoordinatedflop and opponents = 1 and position = last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and folds = 0 and calledonflop and (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or botraisedonflop or nobettingonflop) and potsize > 20% stacksize raisemax force
When opponents = 1 and havetoppair and havebestkicker and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 41% potsize and (board = A or board = K or board = Q) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or straightpossible or raisesonflop or folds >= 1) call force
When havestraightdraw and haveflushdraw and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2 or amounttocall > 40) and not (raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 55% potsize and amounttocall > 28) call force
When opponentsonflop >= 3 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 47% potsize and amounttocall > 15 and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When raisesonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When bets = 1 and calls = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or amounttocall < 15 or amounttocall < 23% potsize or stacksize < 30 or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have3rdbestkicker) fold force
When flushpossible and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 58% potsize and amounttocall > 30 and havestraight and not (haveflush or havequads or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or stacksize < 45) fold force
When board = 2345 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (havestraight or haveflush or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 24% potsize) fold force
When havetrips and flushpossible and opponents >= 2 and raises >= 1 and calls >= 1 and amounttocall > 40% potsize and betsize > 9 and not (havefullhouse or haveflush or havenutflushdraw or havequads) fold force
When straightpossible and opponents >= 2 and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (nobettingonflop or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) and not (overcards = 2 and havenutstraightdraw) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or nobettingonflop) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall > 43% potsize) call force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or nobettingonflop) fold force
When botraisedbeforeflop and botslastpreflopaction = call and raises >= 1 and haveoverpair and not (hand = QQ or hand = KK or hand = AA or flushpossible or paironboard or threecardstraightonboard or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When board = 2345 and hand = A and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and folds = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize and (not flushpossible) call force
When (board = 3456 or board = 4567 or board = 5678) and haveunderstraight and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and (not flushpossible) call force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveunderstraight and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (haveflush or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = 9875 or board = 8764 or board = 7653 or board = 6542 or board = 543A) and (not flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and pairinhand and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = J987 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and (not flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or flushpossible) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or raises >= 2) and (board = QJT8 or board = JT97 or board = T986) and amounttocall < 55% potsize call force
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 55% potsize and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98) call force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and (board = 88 or board = 77 or board = 66 or board = 55 or board = 44 or board = 33 or board = 22) and nobettingonflop and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 47% potsize and not (morethanonestraightpossibleonturn or flushpossible) call force
When inbigblind and havenothing and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or hand = A or nobettingonflop) fold force
When flushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (havenutflushdraw or have2ndnutflushdraw) and not (haveflush or amounttocall > 33% potsize or raises >= 2) call force
When flushpossible and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 33% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) fold force
When paironboard and haveoverpair and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or board = T or board = 9 or nobettingonflop) call force
When havetrips and not (havefullhouse or havebestkicker or havenutstraight or haveflush or stacksize < 45 or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and not (opponentisallin and opponents = 1) and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and betsize > 20 fold force
When (not botslastpreflopaction = raise) and not (nobettingonflop or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or betsize < 26% potsize) fold force
When (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 75% force
When haveset and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2) raisepot force
When havetwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 1) raisepot force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and StackSize > 40 and AmountToCall > 17 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize > 12 and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 47% PotSize and BetSize > 3 and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 or RaisesOnFlop ) call force
When havetoppair and hadtoppaironflop and nobettingonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) bet 75% force
When HaveTopTwoPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 17 and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible ) call force
When HaveTopTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or QuadsOnBoard ) and AmountToCall > 25% potsize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveTopPair or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveQuads or HaveTopPair or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize > 50% PotSize and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveQuads or HaveTopPair or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( opponents >= 2 or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and raises >= 1 and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveTopPair or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and ( AmountToCall > 25% StackSize or AmountToCall > 60% PotSize ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 43% PotSize and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) fold force
When HaveFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible ) and ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 40% PotSize call force
When RaisesOnFlop and StraightPossible and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw or AmountToCall < 41% PotSize ) and Random <= 85 fold force
When FlushPossible and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 43% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNuts ) and not ( TotalInvested > 85% StackSize ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 25% PotSize and BetSize < 5 and ( HaveInsideStraightDraw or Overcards = 2 or HavePair or hand = A ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse ) call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and RaisesOnFlop and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and BetSize > 30% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveOverPair and ( hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible ) and BetSize >= 40% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize and not (onecardstraightpossible and raisesonflop and betsize > 16) and not (onecardstraightpossible and betsize > 22) call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveOverPair and ( hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and BetSize < 40% PotSize RaisePot force
When Overcards = 2 and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and opponents <= 2 and raises = 1 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn or HaveBottomPair ) call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( AmountToCall <= 2 or AmountToCall < 20% PotSize ) and AmountToCall < 10% StackSize and StackSize > 15 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or haveflush) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and StackSize > 25 and ( BetSize <= 5 or amounttocall <= 33% PotSize) call force
When RaisesBeforeFlop and board = A and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 51% PotSize and BetSize < 25% StackSize and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or HaveTrips or StraightPossible or FlushPossible ) call force
When BotsLastAction = call and raises = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize and AmountToCall < 26% PotSize call force
When ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 ) and HaveTopPair and not ( PairOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw or StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When opponents = 1 and hand = A A and raises = 1 and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn or PairOnBoard or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) call force
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or Have3rdBestKicker ) and ( RaisesOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When HaveTopPair and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 20 and NoBettingOnFlop and not ( HadTopPairOnFlop or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) BetPot force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StraightPossible and CalledOnFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or board = A or board = K ) and BetSize > 33% PotSize and BetSize < 52% PotSize and StackSize > 35 and BetSize < 38% StackSize call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and ( board = 9 9 or board = T T or board = J J or board = Q Q or board = K K or board = A A ) fold force
When FlushPossibleOnFlop and OneCardFlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HaveNutFlush or Have2ndNutFlush or HaveTopSet or BetSize < 34% PotSize ) fold force
When HaveStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveSet or HaveTrips or Overcards = 2 or HaveFlush ) and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize > 23% PotSize and BetSize > 10% StackSize fold force
When HavePair and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 or BetSize > 15% StackSize ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and opponents <= 2 and HaveNutFlush and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) bet 75% force
When ( AcePresentOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or bets = 0 or raises = 0 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and Overcards = 0 and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or BetSize < 12% StackSize ) fold force
When CalledOnFlop and AcePresentOnFlop and bets = 1 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlushDraw or HaveInsideStraightDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and (board = 88 or board = 77 or board = 66 or board = 55 or board = 44 or board = 33 or board = 22) and nobettingonflop and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 47% potsize and not (morethanonestraightpossibleonturn or flushpossible) call force
When inbigblind and havenothing and not (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop or hand = A or nobettingonflop) fold force
When flushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and (havenutflushdraw or have2ndnutflushdraw) and not (haveflush or amounttocall > 33% potsize or raises >= 2) call force
When flushpossible and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 33% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havenutflushdraw) fold force
When paironboard and haveoverpair and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or board = T or board = 9 or nobettingonflop) call force
When havetrips and not (havefullhouse or havebestkicker or havenutstraight or haveflush or stacksize < 45 or totalinvested > 90% stacksize) and not (opponentisallin and opponents = 1) and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and betsize > 20 fold force
When (not botslastpreflopaction = raise) and not (nobettingonflop or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or havestraightdraw or haveflushdraw or betsize < 26% potsize) fold force
When (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 75% force
When haveset and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2) raisepot force
When havetwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 1) raisepot force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and StackSize > 40 and AmountToCall > 17 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and not ( HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize ) fold force
When raises >= 1 and BetSize > 12 and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When ( hand = T T or hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 47% PotSize and BetSize > 3 and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J or board = T or board = 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 or RaisesOnFlop ) call force
When havetoppair and hadtoppaironflop and nobettingonflop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) bet 75% force
When HaveTopTwoPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 17 and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible ) call force
When HaveTopTwoPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible ) RaisePot force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or QuadsOnBoard ) and AmountToCall > 25% potsize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveTopPair or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 50% PotSize call force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveQuads or HaveTopPair or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize > 50% PotSize and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveQuads or HaveTopPair or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( opponents >= 2 or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J ) and raises >= 1 and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse and not ( HaveTopPair or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and ( AmountToCall > 25% StackSize or AmountToCall > 60% PotSize ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and BetSize < 25% StackSize ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 43% PotSize and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveNutFlushDraw or board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) fold force
When HaveFlushDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible ) and ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 40% PotSize call force
When RaisesOnFlop and StraightPossible and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw or AmountToCall < 41% PotSize ) and Random <= 85 fold force
When FlushPossible and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 43% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveNuts ) and not ( TotalInvested > 85% StackSize ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 25% PotSize and BetSize < 5 and ( HaveInsideStraightDraw or Overcards = 2 or HavePair or hand = A ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse ) call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and RaisesOnFlop and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and BetSize > 30% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveOverPair and ( hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible ) and BetSize >= 40% PotSize and BetSize < 55% PotSize and not (onecardstraightpossible and raisesonflop and betsize > 16) and not (onecardstraightpossible and betsize > 22) call force
When opponents = 1 and HaveOverPair and ( hand = J J or hand = Q Q or hand = K K or hand = A A ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and BetSize < 40% PotSize RaisePot force
When Overcards = 2 and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and opponents <= 2 and raises = 1 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn or HaveBottomPair ) call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( AmountToCall <= 2 or AmountToCall < 20% PotSize ) and AmountToCall < 10% StackSize and StackSize > 15 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or haveflush) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and StackSize > 25 and ( BetSize <= 5 or amounttocall <= 33% PotSize) call force
When RaisesBeforeFlop and board = A and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 51% PotSize and BetSize < 25% StackSize and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or HaveTrips or StraightPossible or FlushPossible ) call force
When BotsLastAction = call and raises = 1 and BetSize < 15% StackSize and AmountToCall < 26% PotSize call force
When ( board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or board = 7 7 ) and HaveTopPair and not ( PairOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveNutFlushDraw or StackSize < 25 or TotalInvested > 90% StackSize ) and raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When opponents = 1 and hand = A A and raises = 1 and not ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn or PairOnBoard or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) call force
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or Have3rdBestKicker ) and ( RaisesOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When HaveTopPair and opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 20 and NoBettingOnFlop and not ( HadTopPairOnFlop or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) BetPot force
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StraightPossible and CalledOnFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or board = A or board = K ) and BetSize > 33% PotSize and BetSize < 52% PotSize and StackSize > 35 and BetSize < 38% StackSize call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HavePair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw ) and ( board = 9 9 or board = T T or board = J J or board = Q Q or board = K K or board = A A ) fold force
When FlushPossibleOnFlop and OneCardFlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HaveNutFlush or Have2ndNutFlush or HaveTopSet or BetSize < 34% PotSize ) fold force
When HaveStraightDraw and not ( HavePair or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveSet or HaveTrips or Overcards = 2 or HaveFlush ) and bets = 1 and calls = 0 and BetSize > 3 and BetSize > 23% PotSize and BetSize > 10% StackSize fold force
When HavePair and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and ( opponents > 1 or folds >= 1 or BetSize > 15% StackSize ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and opponents <= 2 and HaveNutFlush and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) bet 75% force
When ( AcePresentOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair ) and not ( HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or bets = 0 or raises = 0 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and Overcards = 0 and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or BetSize < 12% StackSize ) fold force
When CalledOnFlop and AcePresentOnFlop and bets = 1 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlushDraw or HaveInsideStraightDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
When HaveTopTwoPair and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or PairOnBoard ) RaisePot force
When OneCardStraightPossible and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Position = Last and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When opponents = 1 and NoBettingOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and PotSize < 10 and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible or board = A K Q or board = A K J or board = A Q J or board = Q J T or board = A J T or board = K J T or board = A K T or board = A Q T or board = K Q J or board = K Q T ) and StackSize > 35 bet 65% force
When HaveOverPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and BetSize > 90% PotSize and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When HavePair and StraightPossible and BetSize > 75% PotSize and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and BetSize > 6 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and not ( HaveBestKicker or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker call force
When OneCardFlushPossible and BetSize > 15% StackSize and not HaveFlush fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and HaveBestKicker and raises >= 1 call force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and BotIsLastRaiser and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and OvercardsOnBoard >= 1 and PairInHand and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or opponents = 1 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and Position = First and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 75
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutStraight call force
When ( not PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutFlush call force
When ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 ) call force
When opponents >= 2 and Position = First and bets >= 1
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutStraight RaiseMax force
When not ( PairOnBoard or StraightFlushPossibleByOthers ) and HaveNutFlush and raises >= 1 and TotalInvested > 50% StackSize RaiseMax force
When not ( PairOnBoard or StraightFlushPossibleByOthers ) and HaveNutFlush RaisePot force
When not QuadsOnBoard and not TripsOnBoard and not TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse RaiseMax force
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or StraightPossible ) and HaveSet and raises >= 1 and TotalInvested > 50% StackSize RaiseMax force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 7 and NoBettingOnFlop and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnFlop ) and hand = 8 RaisePot force
When BetSize < 32% PotSize and HaveBestKickerOrBetter call force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 33% PotSize and NoBettingOnFlop and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and HaveFlushDraw RaiseMin force
When PairOnFlop and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKickerOrBetter ) and ( hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 ) RaiseMin force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and HaveTrips and Overcards = 1 RaisePot force
When not ( HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveQuads or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveFullHouse ) and ( HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) and BetSize > 35% PotSize and BetSize > 10 and Overcards <= 1 fold force
When opponents = 1 and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair )
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have3rdTopPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 2 fold force
When StraightPossible and AcePresentOnFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When HaveFlushDraw and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and raises >= 1 call force
When PairOnBoard and ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or not StraightPossible ) and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or RaisesOnFlop ) and opponents < 3
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 30 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (UserDead or UserDead2)
When Amounttocall < 26% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 ) and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When Amounttocall < 40% PotSize and ( Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair ) and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or TripsOnBoard ) call force
When PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and HavePair call force
When PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and hand = A and Overcards = 2 call force
When PotSize > 18 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and HaveNutFlushDraw call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw or HaveTrips )
When HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and BetSize > 8 fold force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or UserDead or UserDead2) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 )
When HaveTopPair and AmountToCall < 43% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and (not paironboard) and AmountToCall < 44% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and AmountToCall < 33% PotSize call force
When ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 44% PotSize call force
When Have2ndOverPair and AmountToCall < 34% PotSize call force
When Have2ndTopPair and AmountToCall < 31% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 60% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize call force
When FlushPossible and hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveSet or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible )
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize < 20% StackSize call force
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize >= 20% StackSize fold force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 30% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 30% StackSize fold force
When raises >= 2 fold force
When HaveTopPair and ( AcePresentOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw ) and (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop)
When ( Position = First or opponents >= 2 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not HaveBestKicker ) call force
When ( Position = First or opponents >= 2 ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and BetSize < 41% PotSize call force
When AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When AmountToCall > 40% PotSize and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When AmountToCall > 58% PotSize fold force
When HaveTopPair and CalledOnFlop and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw )
When TwoOfOneSuitPresentOnFlop and Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize < 34 call force
When TwoOfOneSuitPresentOnFlop and Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize >= 34 fold force
When Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize < 27 call force
When Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize > 27 fold force
When BetSize < 20 call force
When BetSize >= 20 fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 )
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( hand = As K or hand = As Q or hand = As J or hand = Ad K or hand = Ad Q or hand = Ad J or HaveOverPair ) bet 70% force
When HaveTrips and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( BetSize <= 12% StackSize or BetSize < 43% PotSize or BetSize <= 2 ) RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 55% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( BetSize < 50% PotSize or BetSize < 50% StackSize ) call force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 50 and ( BetSize = 1 or BetSize < 17% PotSize ) and ( HavePair or hand = A K ) and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or RaisesOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop or HaveUnderPair or folds >= 1 )
When Random <= 75 call force
When Random <= 25 RaisePot force
When Others raise force
When opponents = 1 and ( HadTopPairOnFlop or HadOverPairOnFlop ) and OvercardsOnBoard = 1 and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 40% PotSize fold force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard )
When raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and HaveTopTwoPair and BetSize > 35% StackSize RaiseMax force
When raises = 1 and HaveTopTwoPair RaisePot force
When raises = 1 call force
When raises = 2 and BetSize < 40% StackSize call force
When FlushPossible and HaveTopPair and StackSize > 20 and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTwoPair )
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize >= 43% PotSize and ( folds >= 2 or opponents >= 2 ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or HadTopPairOnFlop or RaisesOnFlop or HaveSet )
When CalledOnFlop and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize < 51% PotSize call force
When Have2ndTopPair and HaveFlushDraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 35 and (not onecardflushpossible)
When BetSize < 34% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When Overcards = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and Overcards = 1 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When HaveSet and OneCardStraightPossible and opponents = 1
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 24% StackSize call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and AmountToCall < 25 and (opponents < 3 or betsize < 12)
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and ( HavePair or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveUnderPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or Have3rdTopPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet ) call force
When AmountToCall < 40% PotSize and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When HavePair and HaveFlushDraw and RaisesOnFlop and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When ( Position = First or Position = Middle ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When Position = Last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When PairOnBoard and HaveStraight and not ( FlushPossible or HaveUnderStraight or OneCardStraightPossible ) and StackSize > 45
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 41% PotSize call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When Have2ndNutStraight and PairInHand and OneCardStraightPossible and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A K Q or board = A K J or board = A K T or board = K Q J or board = K Q T or board = K Q 9 or board = K J T or board = K J 9 or board = Q J T or board = Q J 9 or board = Q J 8 or board = Q T 9 or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When raises >= 1 call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and Have2ndNutStraight and ( not FlushPossible )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 bet 75% force
When opponents = 1 and BotRaisedOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( CalledOnFlop or StackSize < 50 )
When not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) bet 70% force
When opponents = 1 and CalledOnFlop and Position = Last and checks = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When opponents <= 2 and NoBettingOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn ) and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When opponents = 1 and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or StackSize < 50 )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 25 and not ( Position = Last and HaveFlushDraw ) bet 70% force
When raises = 1 and not (havenuts or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush)
when onecardflushpossible and haveflush and not (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (onecardflushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (flushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight or board = KQJT) and amounttocall < 20% potsize call force
when not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 18% potsize call force
when (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 13% potsize call force
when havepair and amounttocall < 9% potsize call force
When not (havepair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 14% stacksize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 9% stacksize and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When StackSize < 7 and bets = 1 and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and bets = 1 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) and not (nobettingonflop or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or paironboard) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and bets = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or paironboard) and onecardflushpossible and haveflush raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and not (nobettingonflop or onecardflushpossible or paironboard) and onecardstraightpossible and (havestraight or haveset) raisemax force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or hand = KK or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or twopaironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88 or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and flushpossible and (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveset raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and havetwopair and havetoppair raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and hand = AA raisemax force
when tripsonboard and (not totalinvested > 100% stacksize) and not (havestraightflush or havequads or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 4 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 5 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 6 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) call force
When (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and totalinvested > 140% stacksize raisemax force
When havenutflush and not (paironboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or have3rdoverpair or have3rdtoppair or havestraight or haveflush or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or hand = A or hand = K) fold force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 40% potsize and not (flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or board = KQ or board = KJ or board = KT or board = QJ or board = QT or board = JT or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88) call force
When (raisesonflop or raisesonturn) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or stacksize < 20) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or havetopnonboardpairedpair) and not (opponents >= 2 and board = AAA) and amounttocall < 33% potsize raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have3rdTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveStraight or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HavePair call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HaveBestKicker call force
When HaveNuts and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 25% StackSize RaiseMax force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) raisepot force
When UserLowTurn and position = last and bets = 1 and (board = A or board = K or board = Q) and not (calledonflop or calledonturn or nobettingonflop or nobettingonturn or betsize < 34% potsize or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse bet 65% force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and hand = AA and (not flushpossible) bet 65% force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and havetrips and not (havequads or havetoppair or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or rivercardisovercardtoboard or amounttocall > 50% potsize) call force
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When havefullhouse and tripsonboard and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ) and not (haveset or havequads or quadsonboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 50% potsize and betsize > 3 call force
When twopaironboard and not (havetrips or havequads or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndtoppair or havebestkicker) and amounttocall > 15% potsize fold force
When haveset and onecardstraightpossible and not (paironboard or suitsonboard = 1) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and (amounttocall < 34% potsize or betsize < 15) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 60% stacksize call force
When (haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and not (havefullhouse or suitsonboard = 1 or havenuts or raisesonflop or raisesonturn or onecardflushpossible or straightpossibleonturn) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponentsonflop = 1 and amounttocall < 43% potsize call force
When betsize > 4 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (nobettingonturn or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 50% potsize and amounttocall > 17 and stacksize > 22 and not (nobettingonturn or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 50% potsize and amounttocall > 17 and stacksize > 22 and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When havetwopair and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard or board = KJT or board = KQT or board = AJT or board = AKT or board = KT9 or board = Q98 or board = KQ9 or threecardstraightonboard) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize call force
When tripsonboard and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize > 2 and opponents > 2 and not (haveoverpair or havequads or have2ndoverpair or have3rdoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndtoppair) fold force
When tripsonboard and havetoppair and havefullhouse and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (havequads or havestraightflush or opponents > 2 or folds > 2 or betsize > 46% potsize or board = KKK or board = QQQ or board = JJJ or board = TTT) call force
When paironboard and havetrips and position = last and raisesonflop and calledonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havebestkicker) call force
When havefullhouse and UserTurnGood and bets = 1 and raises = 0 raisepot force
When flushonboard and straightonboard and (not board = AKQJT) and raises > 1 and amounttocall > 6 fold force
When flushonboard and straightonboard and (not board = AKQJT) and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 43% potsize fold force
When onecardflushpossible and opponents > 1 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 6 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush or havenutflush or have2ndnutflush) fold force
When onecardflushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 6 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush or havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) fold force
When haveoverpair and have2ndnutstraight and raises = 1 and not (flushpossible or paironboard) call force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or nobettingonturn or onlyonestraightpossible) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (haveunderstraight or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (betsize < 15 or betsize < 18% stacksize or betsize < 46% potsize) call force
When board = 2345 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (havestraight or haveflush or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 24% potsize) fold force
When flushpossibleonturn and raisesonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and position = first and not (havenutflush or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 2 and amounttocall > 34% potsize and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When flushpossible and opponents >= 3 and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 5 and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = A) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = K) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When paironturn and havetrips and raisesonturn and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havefullhouse or havequads or tripsonboard or twopaironboard) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and straightpossible and not (betsize < 30% potsize or paironboard or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or onlyonestraightpossible) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and onlyonestraightpossible and not (paironboard or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) raisepot force
When paironboard and onlyonestraightpossible and havetrips and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and betsize < 41% potsize and not (raisesonturn or paironturn or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or havefullhouse or havequads) raisepot force
When paironboard and havetrips and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and betsize < 44% potsize and not (raisesonturn or paironturn or flushpossible or straightpossible or havefullhouse or havequads) raisepot force
When raises = 1 and (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and (havepair or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight) and not (havenuts or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or havestraightflush or havequads) and amounttocall <= 34% potsize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 34% potsize and not (raisesonturn or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or folds >= 1 or havetwopair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) and (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair) and not (calls = 1 and amounttocall > 5 and amounttocall > 23% potsize) call force
When raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and board = A and not (havetwopair and havetoppair) and not (paironboard or haveset or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K or raisesonturn or havestraightflush) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K or raisesonturn or havestraightflush) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 37% potsize call force
When tripsonboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and betsize <= 34% potsize and not (havenuts or havequads or havestraightflush or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or raisesonturn) call force
When twopaironboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and betsize <= 34% potsize and not (havenuts or havequads or havestraightflush or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2) call force
When opponents <= 2 and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and havetoppair and nobettingonturn and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard) bet 60% force
When bets = 1 and amounttocall >= 55% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and havetwopair and havetoppair and straightpossible and betsize > 12 and not (onecardstraightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) call force
When board = 2345 and hand = A and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and folds = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (paironboard or flushpossible) call force
When (board = 3456 or board = 4567 or board = 5678) and haveunderstraight and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard) call force
When (board = KQJT9 or board = QJT98 or board = JT987 or board = T9876) and not (haveflush or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or betsize < 26% potsize) fold force
When straightonboard and not (havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or flushpossible or board = KQJT9 or board = QJT98 or board = JT987 or board = T9876) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 53% potsize call force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveunderstraight and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (haveflush or havefullhouse or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = 9875 or board = 8764 or board = 7653 or board = 6542 or board = 543A) and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and pairinhand and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = J987 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or board = AQJT or board = AKJT or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard or raises >= 2) and (board = QJT8 or board = JT97 or board = T986) and amounttocall < 55% potsize call force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 55% potsize and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or board = AQJT or board = AKJT) call force
When havetoppair and havebestkicker and (hand = AK or hand = AQ) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 50% potsize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard) call force
When havetoptwopair and raises = 1 and not (flushpossible or paironboard or onecardstraightpossible) call force
When havetoptwopair and raises >= 2 and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightpossible) call force
When havetwopair and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) bet 65% force
When opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (have3rdtoppair or have2ndtoppair or havetoppair) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or betsize > 43% potsize or betsize > 12) call force
When flushpossible and paironboard and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (nobettingonturn or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When opponents = 1 and havetoppair and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and paironboard and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and checks = 1 and not (board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or raisesonturn or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) bet 60% force
When (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When haveset and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2) raisepot force
When havetwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 1) raisepot force
When HaveTrips and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 33% PotSize and not ( opponents > 1 or RaisesOnTurn or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) raise 60% force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( NoBettingOnTurn or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When NoBettingOnFlop and NoBettingOnTurn and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and bets = 1 and BetSize > 4 fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and AmountToCall > 20 and not ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When HaveOverPair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 30% PotSize call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and not ( HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and not ( HaveNutStraight or Have2ndNutStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and amounttocall > 43% PotSize fold force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( AmountToCall <= 2 or AmountToCall < 20% PotSize ) and AmountToCall < 10% StackSize and StackSize > 15 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or folds >= 1 ) and ( HavePair or HaveBestKicker ) call force
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 41% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) fold force
When NoBettingOnFlop and NoBettingOnTurn and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When not ( HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 25% PotSize fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and ( BetSize > 20% StackSize or BetSize > 10 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads ) fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and ( not PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 55% StackSize and not ( HaveNutFlush or TotalInvested > 110% StackSize ) fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveNutFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and BetSize > 3 and StackSize > 20 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaisePot force
When TripsOnBoard and ( not QuadsOnBoard ) and opponents = 1 and HaveFullHouse and bets = 1 and BetSize < 26% PotSize call force
When TripsOnBoard and ( not QuadsOnBoard ) and HaveFullHouse and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or bets = 0 or raises = 0 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and PairOnBoard and FlushPossible and StraightPossible and BetSize > 5 and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) fold force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or QuadsOnBoard ) and BetSize > 15 and amounttocall > 33% potsize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and board = A A and HaveFullHouse and ( not hand = A ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When TwoPairOnBoard and board = A A and HaveFullHouse and ( not hand = A ) and BetSize > 38% PotSize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and BetSize > 6 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and not HaveBestKicker fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaiseMin force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and raises = 1 and BetSize > 15 call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and HaveBestKicker and raises = 1 call force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveQuads or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and BetSize < 38% PotSize and BetSize < 18% StackSize call force
When opponents = 1 and FlushPossible and not ( PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 1 and BetSize < 50% PotSize and BetSize < 15 call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveStraight and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse ) and StackSize > 45
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall > 32% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize fold force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall <= 47% PotSize call force
When raises = 2 and AmountToCall > 40% PotSize fold force
When raises = 2 and AmountToCall <= 40% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and PairOnBoard and StraightPossible and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or folds >= 1 )
When HaveNutStraight and bets = 1 RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or not StraightPossible ) and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or CalledOnTurn or RaisesOnFlop ) and opponents <= 2
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 Bet 60% force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 Bet 60% force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 60% force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 40 call force
When ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and ( not NoBettingOnTurn ) and ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn ) and opponents = 1 and Position = First and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair ) and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When BetSize >= 40% PotSize fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTrips )
When HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and BetSize > 8 fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and not (UserDead or UserDead2 or UserDead3)
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 45% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 47% PotSize and ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize and HaveOverPair call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 54% PotSize and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When HaveSet and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads )
When not ( StraightPossible or FlushPossible ) RaisePot force
When BotsLastAction = raise and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( BetSize < 50% StackSize or BetSize < 61% PotSize ) call force
When not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and OnlyOneStraightPossible RaisePot force
When BetSize > 10 and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When HaveTrips and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 7 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 15 and AmountToCall < 10 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 20 and AmountToCall < 15 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 25 and AmountToCall < 17 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 30 and AmountToCall < 22 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 35 and AmountToCall < 26 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 40 and AmountToCall < 30 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 45 and AmountToCall < 33 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 50 and AmountToCall < 37 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 60 and AmountToCall < 45 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 75 and AmountToCall < 56 call force
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and ( not RaisesOnTurn ) bet 60% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn or OneCardStraightPossible )
When ( not StraightPossible ) bet 60% force
When OnlyOneStraightPossible bet 50% force
When Random <= 25 bet 40% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveOverPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn or OneCardStraightPossible )
When ( not StraightPossible ) bet 60% force
When OnlyOneStraightPossible bet 50% force
When Random <= 25 bet 40% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and PairOnBoard and HaveFlush and not ( PairOnTurn or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or folds >= 1 )
When StraightFlushPossible and Have2ndNutFlush and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When HaveNutFlush and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize < 50% StackSize and Random <= 75 call force
When HaveStraight and PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or TripsOnBoard )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or RaisesOnTurn ) and ( opponents <= 2 or checks >= 1 ) bet 75% force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or RaisesOnTurn ) and BetSize < 57% PotSize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 51% PotSize and opponents <= 2 call force
When raises = 1 and ( BotsLastAction = bet or BetSize < 43% PotSize ) call force
When raises = 2 and BetSize < 34% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveTrips and not ( FlushPossible or HaveStraight or HaveFullHouse or StackSize < 55 or TotalInvested > 85% StackSize or hand = A K )
When raises >= 1 and StraightPossible and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and AmountToCall > 15 fold force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 70% PotSize and AmountToCall > 15 fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or twopaironboard) and AmountToCall < 30 and (opponents < 3 or betsize < 12)
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or Have3rdTopPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet ) call force
When AmountToCall < 40% PotSize and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveFlush and not ( TripsOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 57% PotSize fold force
When OneCardStraightPossible and Have2ndNutStraight and not ( FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 bet 60% force
When flushpossible and (not onecardflushpossible)
when bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (onecardstraightpossible or amounttocall > 55% potsize or haveflush or paironboard) and havetwopair and havetoppair call force
when raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 52% potsize and not (haveflush or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
when raises = 1 and (haveset or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or havetrips) call force
when raises >= 2 and (not haveflush) and amountTocall > 43% potsize fold force
When opponents = 1 and NoBettingOnTurn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( HavePair or HaveBestKicker or NoBettingOnFlop or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard or UncoordinatedFlop ) and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When raises = 1 and not (havenuts or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush)
when onecardflushpossible and haveflush and not (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (onecardflushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (flushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight or board = KQJT) and amounttocall < 20% potsize call force
when not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 18% potsize call force
when (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 13% potsize call force
when havepair and amounttocall < 9% potsize call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Position = Last and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw ) call force
When opponents = 1 and NoBettingOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and PotSize < 10 and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible or board = A K Q or board = A K J or board = A Q J or board = Q J T or board = A J T or board = K J T or board = A K T or board = A Q T or board = K Q J or board = K Q T ) and StackSize > 35 bet 65% force
When HaveOverPair and raises >= 1 and BetSize > 20 and BetSize > 90% PotSize and not ( hand = A A or hand = K K or hand = Q Q or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When HavePair and StraightPossible and BetSize > 75% PotSize and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and BetSize > 6 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and not ( HaveBestKicker or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker call force
When OneCardFlushPossible and BetSize > 15% StackSize and not HaveFlush fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and HaveBestKicker and raises >= 1 call force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and BotIsLastRaiser and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and OvercardsOnBoard >= 1 and PairInHand and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or opponents = 1 or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When opponents >= 3 and Position = First and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 75
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutStraight call force
When ( not PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutFlush call force
When ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 ) call force
When opponents >= 2 and Position = First and bets >= 1
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard ) and HaveNutStraight RaiseMax force
When not ( PairOnBoard or StraightFlushPossibleByOthers ) and HaveNutFlush and raises >= 1 and TotalInvested > 50% StackSize RaiseMax force
When not ( PairOnBoard or StraightFlushPossibleByOthers ) and HaveNutFlush RaisePot force
When not QuadsOnBoard and not TripsOnBoard and not TwoPairOnBoard and HaveFullHouse RaiseMax force
When not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or StraightPossible ) and HaveSet and raises >= 1 and TotalInvested > 50% StackSize RaiseMax force
When opponents = 1 and Position = First and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize <= 7 and NoBettingOnFlop and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnFlop ) and hand = 8 RaisePot force
When BetSize < 32% PotSize and HaveBestKickerOrBetter call force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 33% PotSize and NoBettingOnFlop and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and HaveFlushDraw RaiseMin force
When PairOnFlop and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKickerOrBetter ) and ( hand = 2 or hand = 3 or hand = 4 or hand = 5 or hand = 6 or hand = 7 ) RaiseMin force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not folds >= 1 )
When not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and HaveTrips and Overcards = 1 RaisePot force
When not ( HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveQuads or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveFullHouse ) and ( HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw ) and BetSize > 35% PotSize and BetSize > 10 and Overcards <= 1 fold force
When opponents = 1 and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair )
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have3rdTopPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize > 2 fold force
When StraightPossible and AcePresentOnFlop and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or BetSize = 1 ) fold force
When HaveFlushDraw and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker and raises >= 1 call force
When PairOnBoard and ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or not StraightPossible ) and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or RaisesOnFlop ) and opponents < 3
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 75% force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 30 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (UserDead or UserDead2)
When Amounttocall < 26% PotSize and ( HavePair or hand = A or Overcards = 2 ) and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When Amounttocall < 40% PotSize and ( Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair ) and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or TripsOnBoard ) call force
When PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and HavePair call force
When PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and hand = A and Overcards = 2 call force
When PotSize > 18 and AmountToCall < 5 and StackSize > 30 and HaveNutFlushDraw call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlushDraw or HaveStraightDraw or HaveTrips )
When HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and BetSize > 8 fold force
When opponents = 1 and Position = Last and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and not ( OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or UserDead or UserDead2) and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 )
When HaveTopPair and AmountToCall < 43% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and (not paironboard) and AmountToCall < 44% PotSize call force
When HaveOverPair and AmountToCall < 33% PotSize call force
When ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 44% PotSize call force
When Have2ndOverPair and AmountToCall < 34% PotSize call force
When Have2ndTopPair and AmountToCall < 31% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and AmountToCall < 60% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize call force
When FlushPossible and hand = A A and HaveNutFlushDraw and not ( HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveSet or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible )
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize < 20% StackSize call force
When raises = 0 and bets = 1 and BetSize >= 20% StackSize fold force
When raises = 1 and BetSize <= 30% StackSize call force
When raises = 1 and BetSize > 30% StackSize fold force
When raises >= 2 fold force
When HaveTopPair and ( AcePresentOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveInsideStraightDraw or HaveFlush or HaveFlushDraw ) and (raisesbeforeflop or botraisedbeforeflop)
When ( Position = First or opponents >= 2 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not HaveBestKicker ) call force
When ( Position = First or opponents >= 2 ) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and BetSize < 41% PotSize call force
When AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When AmountToCall > 40% PotSize and ( not HaveBestKicker ) and not ( opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn ) fold force
When AmountToCall > 58% PotSize fold force
When HaveTopPair and CalledOnFlop and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveBestKicker or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveStraight or HaveFlushDraw )
When TwoOfOneSuitPresentOnFlop and Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize < 34 call force
When TwoOfOneSuitPresentOnFlop and Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize >= 34 fold force
When Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize < 27 call force
When Have2ndBestKicker and BetSize > 27 fold force
When BetSize < 20 call force
When BetSize >= 20 fold force
When PairOnBoard and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 )
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( hand = As K or hand = As Q or hand = As J or hand = Ad K or hand = Ad Q or hand = Ad J or HaveOverPair ) bet 70% force
When HaveTrips and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and ( BetSize <= 12% StackSize or BetSize < 43% PotSize or BetSize <= 2 ) RaisePot force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 55% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( BetSize < 50% PotSize or BetSize < 50% StackSize ) call force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 50 and ( BetSize = 1 or BetSize < 17% PotSize ) and ( HavePair or hand = A K ) and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or RaisesOnFlop or BotRaisedOnFlop or HaveUnderPair or folds >= 1 )
When Random <= 75 call force
When Random <= 25 RaisePot force
When Others raise force
When opponents = 1 and ( HadTopPairOnFlop or HadOverPairOnFlop ) and OvercardsOnBoard = 1 and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q or board = J ) and not ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveStraightDraw or HaveFlushDraw )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When raises >= 1 fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize > 40% PotSize fold force
When HaveTwoPair and HaveTopPair and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard )
When raises = 1 and opponents = 1 and HaveTopTwoPair and BetSize > 35% StackSize RaiseMax force
When raises = 1 and HaveTopTwoPair RaisePot force
When raises = 1 call force
When raises = 2 and BetSize < 40% StackSize call force
When FlushPossible and HaveTopPair and StackSize > 20 and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTwoPair )
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize >= 43% PotSize and ( folds >= 2 or opponents >= 2 ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and HaveStraightDraw and not ( FlushPossible or PairOnBoard or HadTopPairOnFlop or RaisesOnFlop or HaveSet )
When CalledOnFlop and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and BetSize < 51% PotSize call force
When Have2ndTopPair and HaveFlushDraw and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and StackSize > 35 and (not onecardflushpossible)
When BetSize < 34% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When Overcards = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and Overcards = 1 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When HaveSet and OneCardStraightPossible and opponents = 1
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 50% PotSize call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and AmountToCall < 24% StackSize call force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and AmountToCall < 25 and (opponents < 3 or betsize < 12)
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and ( HavePair or HaveNutStraightDraw or HaveNutFlushDraw ) and not ( HaveUnderPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or Have3rdTopPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet ) call force
When AmountToCall < 40% PotSize and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When HavePair and HaveFlushDraw and RaisesOnFlop and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or FlushPossible )
When ( Position = First or Position = Middle ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When Position = Last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 70% force
When PairOnBoard and HaveStraight and not ( FlushPossible or HaveUnderStraight or OneCardStraightPossible ) and StackSize > 45
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 41% PotSize call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize fold force
When Have2ndNutStraight and PairInHand and OneCardStraightPossible and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or board = A K Q or board = A K J or board = A K T or board = K Q J or board = K Q T or board = K Q 9 or board = K J T or board = K J 9 or board = Q J T or board = Q J 9 or board = Q J 8 or board = Q T 9 or board = J T 9 or board = T 9 8 or board = 9 8 7 )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When raises >= 1 call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and Have2ndNutStraight and ( not FlushPossible )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 bet 75% force
When opponents = 1 and BotRaisedOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( CalledOnFlop or StackSize < 50 )
When not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) bet 70% force
When opponents = 1 and CalledOnFlop and Position = Last and checks = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When opponents <= 2 and NoBettingOnFlop and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn ) and Random <= 50 bet 70% force
When opponents = 1 and not ( NoBettingOnFlop or CalledOnFlop or StackSize < 50 )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 25 and not ( Position = Last and HaveFlushDraw ) bet 70% force
When raises = 1 and not (havenuts or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush)
when onecardflushpossible and haveflush and not (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (onecardflushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (flushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight or board = KQJT) and amounttocall < 20% potsize call force
when not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 18% potsize call force
when (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 13% potsize call force
when havepair and amounttocall < 9% potsize call force
When not (havepair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 14% stacksize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When opponents = 1 and opponentisallin and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize < 9% stacksize and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or haveset or havetrips or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) call force
When StackSize < 7 and bets = 1 and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetrips or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or haveflush) Raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and bets = 1 and (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or havestraight or haveflush) and not (nobettingonflop or onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or paironboard) raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and bets = 1 and not (nobettingonflop or paironboard) and onecardflushpossible and haveflush raisemax force
When Stacksize < 11 and raisesbeforeflop and not (nobettingonflop or onecardflushpossible or paironboard) and onecardstraightpossible and (havestraight or haveset) raisemax force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and paironboard and not (havefullhouse or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 17% stacksize and (not paironboard) and flushpossible and not (haveflush or haveset or havestraight or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and straightpossible and not (havestraight or haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When stacksize > 75 and betsize > 23% stacksize and (not paironboard) and (not flushpossible) and (not straightpossible) and not (haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or hand = KK or amounttocall < 18% potsize) fold force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or twopaironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and paironboard and not (tripsonboard or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88 or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and (havetrips or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or hand = AA) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) and flushpossible and (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveset raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and havetwopair and havetoppair raisemax force
When betsize > 40% stacksize and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and not (straightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard) and haveoverpair and hand = AA raisemax force
when tripsonboard and (not totalinvested > 100% stacksize) and not (havestraightflush or havequads or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 4 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 5 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 6 ) fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and AmountToCall < 40% StackSize and HaveTopPair and (havebestkicker or Have2ndBestKicker) and not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT) call force
When (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and botsactionsonthisround = 0 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and totalinvested > 140% stacksize raisemax force
When havenutflush and not (paironboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) raisepot force
When not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or have3rdoverpair or have3rdtoppair or havestraight or haveflush or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or hand = A or hand = K) fold force
When haveoverpair and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 40% potsize and not (flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or board = KQ or board = KJ or board = KT or board = QJ or board = QT or board = JT or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or board = 88) call force
When (raisesonflop or raisesonturn) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or stacksize < 20) fold force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or havetopnonboardpairedpair) and not (opponents >= 2 and board = AAA) and amounttocall < 33% potsize raisemax force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and TripsOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and (not NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1) and havefullhouse call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and PairOnBoard and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have3rdTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and FlushPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and StraightPossible and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveStraight or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and ( HavePair or HaveStraight ) call force
When TotalInvested > 115% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HavePair call force
When TotalInvested > 300% StackSize and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTopTwoPair or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 4 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and HaveBestKicker call force
When HaveNuts and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 25% StackSize RaiseMax force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 ) raisepot force
When UserLowTurn and position = last and bets = 1 and (board = A or board = K or board = Q) and not (calledonflop or calledonturn or nobettingonflop or nobettingonturn or betsize < 34% potsize or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse bet 65% force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and hand = AA and (not flushpossible) bet 65% force
When User2PB and opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and havetrips and not (havequads or havetoppair or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or rivercardisovercardtoboard or amounttocall > 50% potsize) call force
When haveoverpair and raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and not (hand = AA or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When havefullhouse and tripsonboard and (hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ or hand = JJ) and not (haveset or havequads or quadsonboard) and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and amounttocall < 50% potsize and betsize > 3 call force
When twopaironboard and not (havetrips or havequads or havefullhouse or haveflush or havestraight or haveoverpair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndtoppair or havebestkicker) and amounttocall > 15% potsize fold force
When haveset and onecardstraightpossible and not (paironboard or suitsonboard = 1) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and (amounttocall < 34% potsize or betsize < 15) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 60% stacksize call force
When (haveset or havetwopair or hand = AA or hand = KK or hand = QQ) and not (havefullhouse or suitsonboard = 1 or havenuts or raisesonflop or raisesonturn or onecardflushpossible or straightpossibleonturn) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponentsonflop = 1 and amounttocall < 43% potsize call force
When betsize > 4 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (nobettingonturn or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 50% potsize and amounttocall > 17 and stacksize > 22 and not (nobettingonturn or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 50% potsize and amounttocall > 17 and stacksize > 22 and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) fold force
When stacksize = 0 and stacksize < 1 and not (haveoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndoverpair or have2ndtoppair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havequads or haveflush or havestraight) sitout force
When havetwopair and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard or board = KJT or board = KQT or board = AJT or board = AKT or board = KT9 or board = Q98 or board = KQ9 or threecardstraightonboard) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize call force
When tripsonboard and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and betsize > 2 and opponents > 2 and not (haveoverpair or havequads or have2ndoverpair or have3rdoverpair or havetoppair or have2ndtoppair) fold force
When tripsonboard and havetoppair and havefullhouse and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (havequads or havestraightflush or opponents > 2 or folds > 2 or betsize > 46% potsize or board = KKK or board = QQQ or board = JJJ or board = TTT) call force
When paironboard and havetrips and position = last and raisesonflop and calledonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havebestkicker) call force
When havefullhouse and UserTurnGood and bets = 1 and raises = 0 raisepot force
When flushonboard and straightonboard and (not board = AKQJT) and raises > 1 and amounttocall > 6 fold force
When flushonboard and straightonboard and (not board = AKQJT) and raises = 1 and amounttocall > 10 and amounttocall > 43% potsize fold force
When onecardflushpossible and opponents > 1 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 6 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush or havenutflush or have2ndnutflush) fold force
When onecardflushpossible and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and betsize > 6 and amounttocall > 43% potsize and not (havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush or havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) fold force
When haveoverpair and have2ndnutstraight and raises = 1 and not (flushpossible or paironboard) call force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush or nobettingonturn or onlyonestraightpossible) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (haveunderstraight or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (betsize < 15 or betsize < 18% stacksize or betsize < 46% potsize) call force
When board = 2345 and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (havestraight or haveflush or betsize = 1 or amounttocall < 24% potsize) fold force
When flushpossibleonturn and raisesonturn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and position = first and not (havenutflush or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 2 and amounttocall > 34% potsize and not (havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When flushpossible and straightpossible and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 3 and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (havetoppair and have2ndbestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When flushpossible and opponents >= 3 and bets = 1 and amounttocall > 5 and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = A) and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker and board = K) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When paironturn and havetrips and raisesonturn and position = first and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (havefullhouse or havequads or tripsonboard or twopaironboard) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and straightpossible and not (betsize < 30% potsize or paironboard or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or onlyonestraightpossible) call force
When havetwopair and havetoppair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and onlyonestraightpossible and not (paironboard or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) raisepot force
When paironboard and onlyonestraightpossible and havetrips and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and betsize < 41% potsize and not (raisesonturn or paironturn or flushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or havefullhouse or havequads) raisepot force
When paironboard and havetrips and (havebestkicker or have2ndbestkicker or have3rdbestkicker) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and betsize < 44% potsize and not (raisesonturn or paironturn or flushpossible or straightpossible or havefullhouse or havequads) raisepot force
When raises = 1 and (botslastaction = bet or botslastaction = raise) and (havepair or havetrips or haveflush or havestraight) and not (havenuts or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or havestraightflush or havequads) and amounttocall <= 34% potsize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 34% potsize and not (raisesonturn or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or folds >= 1 or havetwopair or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) and (have2ndtoppair or have2ndoverpair or havetoppair or haveoverpair) and not (calls = 1 and amounttocall > 5 and amounttocall > 23% potsize) call force
When raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 56% potsize and board = A and not (havetwopair and havetoppair) and not (paironboard or haveset or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K or raisesonturn or havestraightflush) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 46% potsize call force
When (board = 222 or board = 333 or board = 444 or board = 555 or board = 666 or board = 777) and not (board = A or board = K or raisesonturn or havestraightflush) and opponents = 1 and hand = KK and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 37% potsize call force
When tripsonboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and betsize <= 34% potsize and not (havenuts or havequads or havestraightflush or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 3 or raisesonturn) call force
When twopaironboard and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and havefullhouse and betsize <= 34% potsize and not (havenuts or havequads or havestraightflush or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 1 or nutfullhouseorfourofakind = 2) call force
When opponents <= 2 and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and havetoppair and nobettingonturn and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard) bet 60% force
When bets = 1 and amounttocall >= 55% potsize and not (havetoppair and havebestkicker) and not (haveoverpair or havetwopair or havetrips or haveset or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall > 50% potsize and havetwopair and havetoppair and straightpossible and betsize > 12 and not (onecardstraightpossible or flushpossible or paironboard or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) call force
When board = 2345 and hand = A and opponents <= 2 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and calls = 0 and folds = 0 and amounttocall < 51% potsize and not (paironboard or flushpossible) call force
When (board = 3456 or board = 4567 or board = 5678) and haveunderstraight and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 42% potsize and not (flushpossible or paironboard) call force
When (board = KQJT9 or board = QJT98 or board = JT987 or board = T9876) and not (haveflush or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or betsize < 26% potsize) fold force
When straightonboard and not (havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or flushpossible or board = KQJT9 or board = QJT98 or board = JT987 or board = T9876) and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and amounttocall < 53% potsize call force
When onecardstraightpossible and haveunderstraight and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and not (haveflush or havefullhouse or amounttocall < 34% potsize) fold force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = 9875 or board = 8764 or board = 7653 or board = 6542 or board = 543A) and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and pairinhand and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (board = J987 or board = T987 or board = 9876) and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and have2ndnutstraight and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or board = AQJT or board = AKJT or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard) raisepot force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and (bets = 1 or raises = 1) and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard or raises >= 2) and (board = QJT8 or board = JT97 or board = T986) and amounttocall < 55% potsize call force
When onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and raises = 1 and amounttocall < 55% potsize and not (havenutstraight or flushpossible or paironboard or straightonboard or board = QJT9 or board = JT98 or board = T987 or board = 9876 or board = KJT9 or board = KQT9 or board = KQJ9 or board = KQJT or board = QJT9 or board = QJT8 or board = QT98 or board = QJ98 or board = JT98 or board = AQJT or board = AKJT) call force
When havetoppair and havebestkicker and (hand = AK or hand = AQ) and opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 50% potsize and not (onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible or paironboard) call force
When havetoptwopair and raises = 1 and not (flushpossible or paironboard or onecardstraightpossible) call force
When havetoptwopair and raises >= 2 and not (flushpossible or paironboard or straightpossible) call force
When havetwopair and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not (paironboard or onecardflushpossible or onecardstraightpossible) bet 65% force
When opponents = 1 and nobettingonturn and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and (have3rdtoppair or have2ndtoppair or havetoppair) and not (paironboard or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn or haveset or havetwopair or havestraight or betsize > 43% potsize or betsize > 12) call force
When flushpossible and paironboard and (bets = 1 or raises >= 1) and amounttocall > 42% potsize and not (nobettingonturn or havetoppair or haveoverpair or havetwopair or haveset or havetrips or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraight or haveflush) fold force
When opponents = 1 and havetoppair and (hand = AK or hand = AQ or hand = AJ) and paironboard and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and checks = 1 and not (board = AA or board = KK or board = QQ or board = JJ or board = TT or board = 99 or raisesonturn or flushpossible or morethanonestraightpossibleonturn) bet 60% force
When (haveset or havetoptwopair) and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When haveset and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard) raisepot force
When havetoptwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 2) raisepot force
When havetwopair and not (flushpossible or straightpossible or paironboard or raises >= 1) raisepot force
When HaveTrips and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 33% PotSize and not ( opponents > 1 or RaisesOnTurn or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) raise 60% force
When ( opponents >= 4 or folds >= 3 ) and not ( bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall < 25% PotSize ) and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When HaveTopPair and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( NoBettingOnTurn or HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When NoBettingOnFlop and NoBettingOnTurn and not ( HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and bets = 1 and BetSize > 4 fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and AmountToCall > 20 and not ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When HaveOverPair and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 30% PotSize call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and not ( HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When OneCardStraightPossible and not ( HaveNutStraight or Have2ndNutStraight or HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and amounttocall > 43% PotSize fold force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and ( AmountToCall <= 2 or AmountToCall < 20% PotSize ) and AmountToCall < 10% StackSize and StackSize > 15 and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or folds >= 1 ) and ( HavePair or HaveBestKicker ) call force
When ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 41% PotSize and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) fold force
When NoBettingOnFlop and NoBettingOnTurn and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) fold force
When PairOnBoard and HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When not ( HavePair or HaveTwoPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 25% PotSize fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and ( BetSize > 20% StackSize or BetSize > 10 ) and not ( HaveFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads ) fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and ( not PairOnBoard ) and ( bets = 1 or raises >= 1 ) and BetSize > 55% StackSize and not ( HaveNutFlush or TotalInvested > 110% StackSize ) fold force
When OneCardFlushPossible and raises >= 1 and not ( HaveNutFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or TotalInvested > 100% StackSize ) and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and BetSize > 3 and StackSize > 20 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaisePot force
When TripsOnBoard and ( not QuadsOnBoard ) and opponents = 1 and HaveFullHouse and bets = 1 and BetSize < 26% PotSize call force
When TripsOnBoard and ( not QuadsOnBoard ) and HaveFullHouse and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or bets = 0 or raises = 0 ) fold force
When opponents >= 2 and PairOnBoard and FlushPossible and StraightPossible and BetSize > 5 and not ( HaveOverPair or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) fold force
When TripsOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or QuadsOnBoard ) and BetSize > 15 and amounttocall > 33% potsize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and board = A A and HaveFullHouse and ( not hand = A ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When TwoPairOnBoard and board = A A and HaveFullHouse and ( not hand = A ) and BetSize > 38% PotSize fold force
When TwoPairOnBoard and not ( NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 1 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 2 or NutFullHouseOrFourOfAKind = 3 or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush ) and BetSize > 6 fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and not HaveBestKicker fold force
When QuadsOnBoard and HaveBestKicker RaiseMin force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible or board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and raises = 1 and BetSize > 15 call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or StraightPossible ) and ( board = A or board = K or board = Q ) and HaveTrips and HaveBestKicker and raises = 1 call force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveQuads or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and BetSize < 38% PotSize and BetSize < 18% StackSize call force
When opponents = 1 and FlushPossible and not ( PairOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When HaveTopPair and not ( HaveBestKicker or HaveNuts or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveFlush or HaveStraight ) and bets = 1 and BetSize < 50% PotSize and BetSize < 15 call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveStraight and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or HaveTrips or HaveFullHouse ) and StackSize > 45
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall > 32% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall > 47% PotSize fold force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall <= 47% PotSize call force
When raises = 2 and AmountToCall > 40% PotSize fold force
When raises = 2 and AmountToCall <= 40% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and PairOnBoard and StraightPossible and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or folds >= 1 )
When HaveNutStraight and bets = 1 RaisePot force
When PairOnBoard and ( OnlyOneStraightPossible or not StraightPossible ) and not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or CalledOnTurn or RaisesOnFlop ) and opponents <= 2
When hand = A A and bets = 0 and raises = 0 Bet 60% force
When hand = A A and bets = 1 and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When hand = A A and raises >= 1 call force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q) and bets = 0 and raises = 0 Bet 60% force
When ( hand = K K or hand = Q Q or hand = J J or hand = T T ) and position = last and bets = 0 and raises = 0 bet 60% force
When hand = K K and bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 40 call force
When ( not NoBettingOnFlop ) and ( not NoBettingOnTurn ) and ( FlushPossible or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnFlop or MoreThanOneStraightPossibleOnTurn ) and opponents = 1 and Position = First and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndOverPair ) and not ( PairOnBoard or HaveSet or HaveTwoPair or HaveStraight or HaveFlush )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 call force
When BetSize >= 40% PotSize fold force
When bets = 1 and BetSize < 40% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and not ( HaveQuads or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or HaveTrips )
When HavePair and not ( HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTopPair or Have2ndTopPair ) and BetSize > 8 fold force
When opponents = 1 and OpponentIsAllIn and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and ( HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair or Have2ndOverPair or HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) and not (UserDead or UserDead2 or UserDead3)
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and betsize < 45% PotSize call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 47% PotSize and ( HaveTopPair and HaveBestKicker ) call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 51% PotSize and HaveOverPair call force
When raises = 1 and AmountToCall < 54% PotSize and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveTrips or HaveSet or HaveFullHouse or HaveStraight or HaveFlush ) call force
When HaveSet and ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads )
When not ( StraightPossible or FlushPossible ) RaisePot force
When BotsLastAction = raise and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( BetSize < 50% StackSize or BetSize < 61% PotSize ) call force
When not ( FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible ) and OnlyOneStraightPossible RaisePot force
When BetSize > 10 and not ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When HaveTrips and not ( HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or OneCardFlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When opponents = 1 and raises = 1 and BetSize < 43% PotSize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 10 and AmountToCall < 7 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 15 and AmountToCall < 10 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 20 and AmountToCall < 15 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 25 and AmountToCall < 17 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 30 and AmountToCall < 22 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 35 and AmountToCall < 26 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 40 and AmountToCall < 30 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 45 and AmountToCall < 33 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 50 and AmountToCall < 37 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 60 and AmountToCall < 45 call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and PotSize > 75 and AmountToCall < 56 call force
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents = 1 and ( not RaisesOnTurn ) bet 60% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveTopPair and ( HaveBestKicker or Have2ndBestKicker ) and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn or OneCardStraightPossible )
When ( not StraightPossible ) bet 60% force
When OnlyOneStraightPossible bet 50% force
When Random <= 25 bet 40% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and HaveOverPair and not ( PairOnBoard or FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn or OneCardStraightPossible )
When ( not StraightPossible ) bet 60% force
When OnlyOneStraightPossible bet 50% force
When Random <= 25 bet 40% force
When opponents = 1 and bets = 1 and PairOnBoard and HaveFlush and not ( PairOnTurn or board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 or folds >= 1 )
When StraightFlushPossible and Have2ndNutFlush and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When HaveNutFlush and raises = 0 RaisePot force
When BotsLastAction = raise and raises = 1 and BetSize < 50% StackSize and Random <= 75 call force
When HaveStraight and PairOnBoard and not ( FlushPossible or TripsOnBoard )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or RaisesOnTurn ) and ( opponents <= 2 or checks >= 1 ) bet 75% force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or RaisesOnTurn ) and BetSize < 57% PotSize call force
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and BetSize < 51% PotSize and opponents <= 2 call force
When raises = 1 and ( BotsLastAction = bet or BetSize < 43% PotSize ) call force
When raises = 2 and BetSize < 34% PotSize call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveTrips and not ( FlushPossible or HaveStraight or HaveFullHouse or StackSize < 55 or TotalInvested > 85% StackSize or hand = A K )
When raises >= 1 and StraightPossible and AmountToCall > 52% PotSize and AmountToCall > 15 fold force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 70% PotSize and AmountToCall > 15 fold force
When ( bets = 1 or raises = 1 ) and not ( HaveNuts or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush or HaveFullHouse or HaveFlush or HaveStraight or twopaironboard) and AmountToCall < 30 and (opponents < 3 or betsize < 12)
When AmountToCall < 20% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 26% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveTopPair or HaveOverPair ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and HavePair and not ( HaveUnderPair or HaveBottomPair or Have5thOverPair or Have4thTopPair or Have4thOverPair or Have3rdTopPair or Have3rdOverPair or HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or HaveOverPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When AmountToCall < 34% PotSize and ( OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) and ( HaveTwoPair or HaveSet ) call force
When AmountToCall < 40% PotSize and ( HaveOverPair or HaveTopPair ) and not ( HaveSet or HaveTrips or HaveTwoPair or PairOnBoard or OneCardStraightPossible or OneCardFlushPossible ) call force
When PairOnBoard and HaveFlush and not ( TripsOnBoard or OneCardFlushPossible or HaveFullHouse or HaveQuads or HaveStraightFlush )
When bets = 1 and raises = 0 and AmountToCall > 50% PotSize and ( board = A A or board = K K or board = Q Q or board = J J or board = T T or board = 9 9 or board = 8 8 ) call force
When raises >= 1 and AmountToCall > 57% PotSize fold force
When OneCardStraightPossible and Have2ndNutStraight and not ( FlushPossible or RaisesOnTurn )
When bets = 0 and raises = 0 and opponents <= 2 bet 60% force
When flushpossible and (not onecardflushpossible)
when bets = 1 and raises = 0 and not (onecardstraightpossible or amounttocall > 55% potsize or haveflush or paironboard) and havetwopair and havetoppair call force
when raises >= 1 and amounttocall > 52% potsize and not (haveflush or havefullhouse or havequads) fold force
when raises = 1 and (haveset or havenutstraight or have2ndnutstraight or havetrips) call force
when raises >= 2 and (not haveflush) and amountTocall > 43% potsize fold force
When opponents = 1 and NoBettingOnTurn and bets = 0 and raises = 0 and ( not StackSize < 50 )
When not ( HavePair or HaveBestKicker or NoBettingOnFlop or FlushPossible or OneCardStraightPossible or PairOnBoard or UncoordinatedFlop ) and Random <= 50 bet 60% force
When raises = 1 and not (havenuts or havefullhouse or havequads or havestraightflush)
when onecardflushpossible and haveflush and not (havenutflush or have2ndnutflush or have3rdnutflush) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (onecardflushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight) and amounttocall < 15% potsize call force
when onecardstraightpossible and havestraight and not (flushpossible or haveflush or havenutstraight or board = KQJT) and amounttocall < 20% potsize call force
when not (onecardstraightpossible or onecardflushpossible) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 18% potsize call force
when (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and (havetoppair or haveoverpair) and amounttocall < 13% potsize call force
when havepair and amounttocall < 9% potsize call force
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
Re: code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
Je ne comprends pas ta question... tu veut le convertir en PPL ? ou bien le modifiez ?
Je ne comprends pas ta question... tu veut le convertir en PPL ? ou bien le modifiez ?
code ppl warbot urgent svp merci
en faite le warbot prend en charge le .oppl ou le .oh et je n'arrive pas à le convertir en .oh ou .oppl si quelqu'un pourrait me le faire svp cela serait sympa cordialement.
lucky79- Membre
- Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2016
Localisation : Germany
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